Friday, February 12, 2010

Casting #4

Kadence was SO excited to get her new cast on. She was dead set on the color green which was surprising because she usually can't make up her mind. She was so excited to get to the hospital because as she puts it, "The Dr's will make me all better so I can grow big." At Shriners they put together a bag of toiletries and at the top they put a stuffed animal. This was Kadence's favorite part this trip. She got a cat and was so excited about it that daddy is thinking we need a real one now.

The recreational therapist came in to give Kadence some toys to occupy her while we waited. She was given a doll that she could color and take home and was able to use a Dr kit on it while we were there. She absolutely loved it. She calls the doll her boy. She enjoyed giving the boy "a hug" on his leg. (Taking his blood pressure.)

She also liked listening to him breath. She moved the stethoscope around on the dolls chest like the Dr's do to her. David asked her if she wanted to be a Dr when she got bigger and she told him, "Ya, then I can help the kids feel better!"

Mommy and Kadence taking some pictures to pass the time!

I love her!

When Kadence was done being a Dr, she moved on to the other toys.

This is Kadence just out of surgery. She really wanted to color, but was too tired to sit up.

The post-op nurse put some petals on Kadence's cast which I normally would have LOVED, but these petals weren't the usual white they were brown and looked kind of dirty almost. I figured I would thank her and change them later. Kadence was finally given the ok to eat which is her favorite part. She loves helping us fill her tray with chips, milk, and candy. I sneak fruit and crackers on there too.

It took me an hour to remove the old petals and put on new white petals, but here is the finished back.

Here is the front

Now for the details:
We have switched Dr's to Dr. D'Asteou and primarily work face to face with his PA, Dr. Mike Pond. They are such a great team! Our favorite part is that Mike is always so willing to explain anything and is so helpful. Oh and the fact that he is great with Kadence is another plus! We talked to him before the casting and asked if we would be molding her for a brace or if we would after the next cast. Unfortunately, we will be doing one more cast before bracing. This one will be on for 3 months, and the next will be for 6-8 weeks. He figures she is tolerating the casting so well that we should just keep going. He is shortening the second cast because then she will be able to still enjoy part of her summer. So, in mid July she will be in a brace again...YAHOO!
We also asked Mike when we would be following up on her MRI. He said that we would be doing that in the summer.
While David and I were waiting in Kadence's room, we looked out the window to see something that I will never forget. There was a hispanic mom and her son outside in the snow. The boy was in a wheelchair and seemed to be without both hands and feet. I am not sure what other trials he was faced with. The mom took the time to bundle her son up to take him out in the snow, I'm assuming for the first time. They are probably from somewhere that didn't get snow. His mom was taking pictures like crazy. She ended up scooping up some snow and making it into a snowball and helping her son throw it. He was SO happy. Then she made a smaller snowball and put it into a spot that he used to grasp with and encouraged him to throw it. It took him a few swings before he was actually able to let go, and it landed probably a foot in front of him. His smile is something that I will NEVER forget. It was the most precious thing I have witnessed in a long time. A mother trying to teach her son to appreciate the little things in life even when you have trials placed before you. It was truly a beautiful experience.
When Kadence returned to the room she immediately wanted to sit up and play. She came out of anesthesia better than ever. We had a chance to talk with Mike and Dr. D'Asteou. They were both pleased with the way the casting went. We got Kadence's x-ray done and looked over it with Dr. D'Asteou. Her last cast was holding her at 48.7 degrees and this new cast is holding her at 49.4. So it pretty much is holding her at the same degree as the last cast. The last two casts they have been focusing more on the rotation of her rib cage than the actual scoliosis. The Dr told us that next cast they will try to bend her more. I wasn't real thrilled that there wasn't a huge improvement, but was happy they were making progress on her ribs. I have to remember that we are coming from 76 degrees and are making some good progress. In the year we have been with Shriners, Kadence's spine has improved 27 degrees. That is a huge thing! Every time we go to Shriners we are reminded how lucky we are to live so close to such great Dr's who take such good care of Kadence.


  1. I am SOOO thrilled it went so well. She looks so adorable playing with her "boy." Too precious! Please let us know if there is ever anything we can do for your family. You have done so, so, SO much for us and we really want to repay the favor. Hope everything keeps going well for you! You're always in our prayers. Hang in there!

  2. I love the way you wrote about the boy we watched from Kadence's window. Plus the way you write about Kadence makes me well up a little. I love you

  3. I'm glad everything went well and she is improving. It seems like she is getting quite used to the whole process. Also, that story of the little boy and his loving mama almost made me cry. How sweet!
