Friday, August 23, 2013

Back to School!

I can not believe we are ready to start another school year.  This school year brings so many changes.  We are all attending new schools.  (I guess technically David has attended USU before) Shelby is entering elementary.  We have to adjust ourselves with the new elementary, how they handle things, the staff, the teachers, where to park for pick up to be able to get out easily, etc.  

Yesterday was Back to School night.  Both my girls were ecstatic to go see their new classrooms.  
 Shelby did this on her own, I love them so much!
 Cute girls ready to go!
 We met Shelbys teacher, Mrs. Cook,  first who told us that she is still impressed with how well she tested.  She said she is just amazing already and if she ever needed a substitute she will just ask Shelby to do it.  That made Shelby feel really good. Shelby was a little overwhelmed because there were two classes worth of kids in the room doing a scavenger hunt that taught them where they are supposed to line up, where the bathroom is, where they sit, etc.  They got a treat when they were finished and Kadence got a treat too.  Kadences teacher, Mrs. Wright, was so organized.  She had a magnet with her information on it and she seems as though she will be very good to work with.  She briefly talked with Kadence and told her how excited she was to have her. The part Kadence liked most was that the teacher gave each student an apple on their desk with a little poem on it.  She thought that was the neatest thing ever.

We went home to give Kadence a bath, get both girls clothes laid out and get fathers blessings. It makes me giggle looking at how each one chose to lay out their clothes. Here's Shelbys first day of school outfit...
 And here's Kadence's...
 Both girls slept really well which was great.  Here Kadence is all ready to start 2nd grade!

 On the way to drop Kadence off, there was a small rainbow
 Kadence was just cruising in front of us because she was so excited

 I was excited to see that the door to her hallway was locked.  I love any extra measures of safety.  We went to Chickfila with Shelby for breakfast and then home for a bath.  We also had enough time to snuggle while watching Little Mermaid.  Both girls get to tell me how they want their hair for the first day of school.  Shelby picked the same as last year. Here she is ready to go...
 Notice that her shoes are NOT the ones she had laid out.  We bought their new shoes a month ago and when she was getting ready this morning she told us she couldn't get her foot to fit in.  Great, she couldn't even wear her new shoes which I think is what she was most excited about.  Luckily she was also excited to wear her running shoes.  We went tonight to switch her shoes for different ones.

David and I used the time to go out to eat together.  It is nice to have some alone time where we get to just enjoy each other.  While we were out and about, I received a phone call letting me know I got a job.  YAHOO! I will now be a staff assistant in Utah States advising center.  I am excited, but it is only temporary.  Someone is out on short term disability and they have no idea how long she will be gone.  Without hoping that someone is permanently disabled, I hope this job opens up a permanent job opportunity. We spent the time after lunch shopping for new clothes for me.  I am a jeans and t-shirt kind of gal so working in an office is an adjustment.  I had some clothes that worked last time I was a staff assistant, but I have gained a few inches since then.  

We then went to get the girls. Both girls had a fabulous day and were so excited to see us.  They were even more excited to see that we had purchased some Oreo caramel apples for them to give their teachers.  They wanted to get them something so bad.  They didn't have a ton to say directly after school, but they liked it.  Kadence kept saying "Mrs. Wright is SO nice!" and Shelby was disappointed that they didn't get to play long outside. We had flowers waiting at home for each girl.  We want to make sure we make it a special day every year.  We ran some errands and then went to dinner.  Kadence got to pick since she wasn't at breakfast and she chose Chilis.  It was so nice to sit and talk about their day and we got so much more out of them. 

 Shelby got to go to PE and play with the parachute.  They do calendar in her class.  She sits by one boy and one girl.  She still was disappointed that she didn't get to be outside for very long.  She didn't really make friends yet but she had fun with everyone.  A scientist came to talk to the class and Shelby was excited to tell them her dad is also a scientist.  (So is Mrs Cooks I guess)  They made a pretend gingerbread man and "That's where the glue on my shirt came from." 

Kadence repeatedly told us how nice her teacher is.  She recognized a girl Nadia from church and said she talked to her.  She played on the rock climbing stuff at recess. She got to go to music class.  She ate lunch and it was good.  They didn't read.  She saw a girl in a wheelchair and a boy was pushing her.  She had a fun day and really  enjoyed it.

We are going to take them to dinner every year on the first day of school.  It was a nice way to hear about their days and give them our undivided attention.  They talked much better across a table vs across a room. I love these girls so so much and even though my nerves were out of control for them today, I knew they would do great!

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Science Day

One of the things on our Summer To-Do List is to do "Science."  Well we set aside an entire day and did just that.  We started with a picnic because we all love to eat and who can do science on an empty stomach?
 We did the Diet Coke and Mentos experiment while at the park. David showed the girls how...

 I bought little bottles of coke so the girls could try it out themselves...

 We had the girls write down a hypothesis and a conclusion and then draw a picture of each in their science notebook.
 Soap in the microwave....
 What a difference!
 They loved this one, but it made our house stink so bad.
 Milk, food coloring and dish soap make a dancing picture.
 Homemade lava, the picture didn't turn out too well.
 Exploding bag....
It didn't work too well, but the girls liked it anyways.
I had a lot of fun watching the girls come up with a hypothesis and conclusion, they had fun trying out so many new things and of course David had blast sharing his love of science with the girls!

Monday, August 19, 2013

Random Videos

I know I have a video of Kadence laughing, but I don't know where it is right now.  I don't want to wait to post this video because I'm sure I would lose it in the process of looking for Kadence's. (She's 9 months)
Here are two videos of Kadence with her spider "Shelob" (She's 2 years and 2 months)

Shelby singing a Halloween song with her "Sally" hair. (She's 3 1/2)

Kadence singing "Going on a bear hunt". (She's 5)

Happy Anniversary!

David and I have been through so much in our 10 years together.  We started dating...
Eight years ago we got married and I still can't believe it took me two years to convince him it was a good idea...
 The number of nieces and nephews has grown and yet we still love them all just as much...
We were sealed in the temple....
 We had two beautifully, amazing, perfect girls...
We've run races....

 And by "WE" I mean everyone EXCEPT ME
 We have seen some incredible technology like pausing TV and of course some amazing "pause faces"... 
With three girls we have purchased a TON of shoes and new shoe day is the best day....
We've seen things we can't unsee....
 We have gotten dirty... 
 We have both learned many new hobbies...
Mine just tend to be delicious hobbies...
Did I mention we had some pretty amazing kids that happen to be the funniest....
 We've been on adventures...

 We had some incredible girls who happen to be the best of friends and make me proud every single day to be their mom....(Oh, I already mentioned them?)
 Not all of it's been a joy ride, we have lost two babies, and many others whom we love....
 We've had many many hospital visits....

The thing that gets us through the hard times is humor, each other AND these cute girls...

  We have supported each other through hard times and even through achievements.... 

I regretfully mention we have even planned a high school reunion together...

Through all of our ups, downs and inbetweens I have never once doubted the fact that I am in love with this man.  He is my perfect match.  He is the one who I go to for comfort.  He is not like me which is what I love most about him.  He's an amazing father, a great support, a fabulous example, a hard worker, and pretty darn hilarious.  I know that the reason our relationship is still as great as day 1 is because I still find myself completely obsessed with him.  He is my happy.  I see him in my girls and as annoying as that is....almost every single time....I love it and it makes me love him more.  I love his imperfections.  I love his successes.  I just simply love him.  I'm so grateful I am the one he chose and that we have been able to ride out this roller coaster called life. Love you David, Happy 8 year Anniversary!!