Monday, August 19, 2013

Happy Anniversary!

David and I have been through so much in our 10 years together.  We started dating...
Eight years ago we got married and I still can't believe it took me two years to convince him it was a good idea...
 The number of nieces and nephews has grown and yet we still love them all just as much...
We were sealed in the temple....
 We had two beautifully, amazing, perfect girls...
We've run races....

 And by "WE" I mean everyone EXCEPT ME
 We have seen some incredible technology like pausing TV and of course some amazing "pause faces"... 
With three girls we have purchased a TON of shoes and new shoe day is the best day....
We've seen things we can't unsee....
 We have gotten dirty... 
 We have both learned many new hobbies...
Mine just tend to be delicious hobbies...
Did I mention we had some pretty amazing kids that happen to be the funniest....
 We've been on adventures...

 We had some incredible girls who happen to be the best of friends and make me proud every single day to be their mom....(Oh, I already mentioned them?)
 Not all of it's been a joy ride, we have lost two babies, and many others whom we love....
 We've had many many hospital visits....

The thing that gets us through the hard times is humor, each other AND these cute girls...

  We have supported each other through hard times and even through achievements.... 

I regretfully mention we have even planned a high school reunion together...

Through all of our ups, downs and inbetweens I have never once doubted the fact that I am in love with this man.  He is my perfect match.  He is the one who I go to for comfort.  He is not like me which is what I love most about him.  He's an amazing father, a great support, a fabulous example, a hard worker, and pretty darn hilarious.  I know that the reason our relationship is still as great as day 1 is because I still find myself completely obsessed with him.  He is my happy.  I see him in my girls and as annoying as that is....almost every single time....I love it and it makes me love him more.  I love his imperfections.  I love his successes.  I just simply love him.  I'm so grateful I am the one he chose and that we have been able to ride out this roller coaster called life. Love you David, Happy 8 year Anniversary!!

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