Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Wordy Wednesday

Ok, I actually am going to do this on a Wednesday! The word prompt today was Top 5.

Top 5 movies:
  1. Billy Madison
  2. Bio Dome
  3. 50 First Dates
  4. Anchorman
  5. Cinderella

I love funny movies that are pointless other than making you laugh. I just love the silly stupid humor and always know I can watch them to cheer up on a bad day. Of the Disney movies, I have always liked Cinderella the best. Not so much because of Cinderella, but because of the mice.

Top 5 restaurants:

  1. La Ferrovia
  2. Chilis
  3. Famous Daves
  4. Chick-fil-a
  5. Costa Vida

Ok, none of these are very expensive but all are so delicious. No matter what we always end up at the same place on date night. In fact, tomorrow we will be celebrating our anniversary (early) at La Ferrovia. If you haven't been there....GO! It's a nice little cozy place with real authentic Italian. I love it and have been going since I was little. My mom knows the owner and its a family regular.

Top 5 treats:

  1. Peanut M&M's
  2. Haribo Gummy Bears
  3. Peachy O's
  4. Purple bags of Skittles
  5. Pretzel M&M's

Anyone who knows me knows that I have a BIG sweet tooth. I can't get enough candy and actually end up eating it for lunch and breakfast most days. I snack on it all day long and lean more towards fruity than chocolate.

Here were a few of my top 5's, hope you enjoyed!

1 comment:

  1. I need to try the pretzel M&M's. You would have loved growing up in our house when my dad had to travel to Germany all of the time. He brought back the gummy bears and peachy o's and mallow/gummy frogs all of the time. I liked the chocolate best:)
