Friday, November 25, 2011

The Nutcracker

Two years ago David and I attended the Nutcracker together. I needed to attend concerts for my music class and the Nutcracker counted because it has a live symphony. I used to go with my sister, Amanda, and was excited to go with David. He liked it, but was DYING to take our girls the following year. I still felt they were too young to sit through a 2 hour ballet and so we didn't go last year. This year we didn't have the money to go, so we figured we would try for next year. Well as luck would have it, Davids Aunt Barb called last week and offered tickets for our family. Our only stipulation was that we would need to take the girls 7 year old cousin Maddie. That sounded great to us because the girls love being around Maddie.

We got the girls all dressed up in their new Christmas dresses so that they could go see their very first ballet.

ALL of the girls were absolutely amazing! They were quiet and well behaved despite their excitement. Unfortunately the people behind us weren't. I am someone who HATES when people are noisy, kick my chair, etc. The people behind us had 3 kids ranging from (I'm guessing) 9-12. The mom and one daughter talked through the whole show......and I'm not talking whispered, they talked in a normal voice. "Look there is a feather on his head, oh he's waving, wow, oh I love her pink, etc" It was ridiculous! Then there was a constant kicking to the back of my chair that only stopped when the feet were placed on the top of my seat back. (I thought people only did that to vacant seats) Then for the second half the kids kept switching seats which meant we got hit in the back of the head as they did. Needless to say, I left with a headache and a great appreciation for our girls. We ended the adventure with ice cream which made me nervous because they were in their dresses, but you're only little once. It was a fantastic experience and I'm so grateful that Barb allowed us to use her tickets. The kids loved it and I loved watching them.

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