Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Shriners Update

The time finally came to go pick up Kadence's new brace and she was very excited!  David and I were not as excited since we are moving tomorrow and have a lot left to do.  Considering the only room completely packed before leaving for the appointment was Kadence's made me beyond anxious.  We couldn't wait until next week for the appointment though because she was molded 5 weeks ago and grew out of her current brace about 2 months ago.  We planned to be gone until about 4 or 5 since these appointments take a long time.   Because of this and the fact I wanted my kitchen packed we asked an amazing friend to bring us dinner.  I am so blessed because I had dinner from another great friend last night to help out too.  Then I had gift cards left on my kitchen table from another friend so we could get meals as we needed.  I have some pretty great friends!
So, we got to Shriners at about 9:45 and started our "routine."  We got to see her brace she picked out and she absolutely LOVES it which is fantastic news.  They ran out of pink straps but instead of just putting something on they came and asked what she wanted instead.  She chose blue and told me she "really wanted blue, she just forgot so she said pink."  (Shes just always positive!)  We waited while the orthotics guy, Rich, cut and tried it on....cut and tried it on.....cut and added straps...adjusted and added pads.  He then cut the middle out which is new, but somewhat familiar since thats what they did in the casts.  Kadence loves that it is a peanut shape. 

After orthotics was done with round one, we went to wait for xrays.  (Random Fact: David and I calculated it the other day and Kadence has had well over 200 xrays in her almost 7 years of life.) When it was her turn I asked the usual question, "Who do you want with you? Mom, Dad or do you want to go yourself?"  She again picked to go by herself and just went right in chatting with the xray lady like she was her best friend.  They shut the door and did their thing.  The xray lady taught Kadence how to make herself look like a mosquito by pulling her eyes down and putting her finger between her two fingers. (Does that even make sense?!)  Anyways, I can't believe that at 6 she would rather just get her xrays like a big girl.  After xray we went and waited for the clinic.  Kadence is actually gaining weight which is awesome!  When the dr came in we talked about her shoulder rotation.  Her spine has two curves in it, one in the base which they have almost completely corrected and one in her mid to upper.  Then her whole torso is rotating to the right.  Now we have noticed that her left shoulder is rotating forward as well.  (Almost like its hunching for lack of better way to describe it)  The dr said that when we fuse her spine he will be able to correct that a little but it will most likely get a lot worse before that point and he can't fix it completely.  He then said that her spine is just really bad and unusual. Its hard to come up with a game plan because it just does its own thing and isn't the normal by any means.  We then talked about Kadence's pressure sore.  As it is right now, she goes about 12 hours, 3 days a week without her brace because of the way her skin breaks down.  They tried putting pressure on a different spot in her ribs since it was wearing down her rib and causing the constant sore.  Well, now we can see that it will soon be one giant sore.  They only have so much wiggle room on where they can apply pressure which causes a problem.  Bracing and casting both have to push on the ribs. If her skin is broken down like it is then we will no longer be able to brace.  This brings me to the bad part of my day.....the dr said we will have to start thinking about growing rods.  I explained that I didn't like the idea because we have heard and read about some terrible stories.  (Spinal cords being severed, paralysis, rib deterioration, etc and these aren't rare cases.) His reply? "There comes a point where we just don't have any other choice."  I wanted to scream or cry but that wouldn't solve anything.  Not to mention it would send the girls into a panic.  I have been able to keep myself fairly composed and numb to it so far and I'm hoping we don't have to do it.  We will spend 5 months in this current brace and see how it goes.  Then we'll re brace and talk about it some more.  We will probably see how the next brace goes and then start to make a decision.  With growing rods besides having many man complications that aren't uncommon, you also have to have surgery every 6 months until you can get permanent rods put in at about 13. 
We didn't have the best appointment, but the girls were great!  We went and ate at Crown Burger and just enjoyed each others company.  I love my girls and David more than anything!  On the way home my devastation was instantly cured when Kadence heard two songs in a row that she liked on the radio.  She said in the happiest little Kadence voice, "Man its a good day!  I got to hear two good songs!"  I need to continue to let her happy, positive attitude spread to me.  I know that no matter what she has to go through we will make it work.  It might be difficult or tricky at times but we always make it work and we feel so incredibly blessed to have such an amazing hospital that takes such great care of us.  They listen to our worries and concerns and help us make the best decision for Kadence.  Now I need to go get to packing!

Waterfall Canyon

Before I broke my knee we would go on regular Sunday hikes. Unfortunately after a year when we felt I could start working towards hiking, we found out I had a severe thyroid problem and I was forbidden from exercise. Well with 2 years lost I was so happy to "try" to make it to the top of waterfall canyon. This isn't an easy hike for someone with a bad knee and I luckily knew that before. We warned the girls that we might not make it very far because my knee is still practicing. My knee was actually less of a problem than my thyroid. Before we were far, my heart was racing out of control. I didn't care because I wanted to get to the top. I just knew that I could do it. We had fun and were glad Jeffy, Ashley and Breanne asked us to join them. The girls picked up almost every rock and bug on the way up. Shelby also insisted on walking RIGHT on the edge of the trail which at times means its close to falling off the side of the mountain. I think they wanted to test moms anxiety levels.

This would be the difficult part for the knee
We made it and I was so proud of the girls, but for the first time I was really proud of myself too!
On the way back down, we found a beetle. The girls loved looking at it but Shelby wanted to hold it. David helped her get it. He then asked Kadence if she wanted to hold it. She told him yes and then started to cry because she didn't want to. We told her she didn't have to....that is why David asked after all. Silly girl! David released the beetle and while I wasn't looking Shelby picked it back up again. She scared the crap out of me! Then she stared putting it closer and closer to Kadence. Ha!
I love our family, I love the outdoors and I love that I was able to do something I didn't think I could!

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Mothers Day

Most of these pictures are from a phone, but hey its what we had!  I am a girl who demands a whole weekend for Mothers Day and my birthday.  I feel I deserve it and David must agree because he always gives me as long as I request.  I personally love Tuesday birthdays because then I get a really long celebration.  Ha!  Shelby started talking about Fathers Day on Friday and I told her that MY day was only two days away so she should start planning that first.  She then told me that she wanted a day just for the kids.  HELLO, that is EVERY day!  The little turd!  She then later decided that their birthdays were an acceptable time to celebrate them.  We started Saturday with a soccer game.  It was the last game David was able to see due to a state track meet the following Saturday.
 Kadence improved so much from Fall to Spring and really started loving soccer.  She was less timid and got in there and kicked the ball.  Her strength is defense for sure though.
 After soccer we had a Subway picnic in our front yard.  When we were done eating, Kadence went in to go potty and David brought in our plates.  Shelby then started on her way inside.  I asked her if she was going to leave me outside by myself and she said, "Mother nature is with you."  In a very "DUH" tone. 
 After our picnic I went to a bridal shower and the girls helped David vacuum and detail the inside of my car.  It was beyond dirty and it made it look so much better.  We went to a BBQ at Jeff and Taycinas and I got to hold Nicholas for quite some time.  (How could it get any better?!)  We went straight from the BBQ to The Oaks for ice cream and french fries.  This is one of my favorite things to do with my little family.  I love sitting outside at the tables and you can't if you only get ice cream so we always add fries and onion rings so we can get seated.  I love the view.  Nothing is better than sitting in the middle of the mountains with the river going by...oh wait that is unless a great friend and her kids are able to join you.  I was so happy to have Megan, Davisson and Odessa join us this time.
I woke up Sunday morning to a bouquet meant for me.  It was made of flowers the girls colored and candy.  I couldn't have been happier.  I am not a huge flower fan.  I am however a huge candy fan!  I loved it and loved that it was different. 
 David got the girls completely ready for church by himself so that I could relax and enjoy my day.  In the evening we decided to go to BLs track to practice running with the girls.  They were so excited to pull out their brand new shoes!  We quickly learned that taking them out in almost 90 degree temps to run wasn't such a grand idea.  Not to mention, Shelbys hair was down and Kadence had her brace on.  Oops!  We learned our lesson because they were SO hot. 
We then all went around to all the moms and grandmas and brought them a little chocolate and some cards the girls made.  We didn't stay long at any place because my dinner was waiting at home in the crock pot.  I have to say I am the luckiest woman in the world.  I have a husband who goes out of his way to make sure I enjoy my matter how long or busy that weekend is.  I have great friends whom I enjoy spending time with and love that they allow me to be a part of their childrens lives.  And my girls....oh how I love them.  They are who made me a mommy.  I love how sweet they are when they know it is my special day (S).  They give many more hugs, lots more "I love you's" and extra "You're the best mommy in the whole world's."  I can never express to anyone how happy I am to be blessed with these girls in my life.  They are my everything.  They drive me crazy, keep me on my toes, make me laugh, make me cry, make me stay silly, warm my heart and make me feel like the most special woman around.  Love you girls with all my heart!

Trampoline and Dandelions

This post really doesn't need much explanation.  The girls had fun loading the trampoline up with dandelions and jumping.  It was seriously pure happiness from all of us and I'm so glad that life is never too busy to enjoy it.

Preschool Graduation!

We had our very last ever preschool graduation today.  Shelby cried all morning yesterday because it was her last day of preschool.  She and Mrs Jill cried during school together.  She cried this morning.  The poor girl is devastated.  Part of it is because preschool is over and another part is shes afraid she won't see any of her friends again....or Mrs Jill.  I have assured her over and over that we will still see some of her friends and that Mrs Jill is always willing to meet us for lunch.  That helped a little.  She was very specific with which dress she wanted, how she wanted her hair and which bow she wanted.  She is a girl who knows what she wants and on special days, she always gets what she wants.
 Shelbys on the back row toward the middle
 Getting her diploma
 Big girl!
 David had his entire class come watch the graduation so that he could see Shelby.  He hasn't ever been able to make it to any graduation before because you aren't allowed to miss the last two days of school.  Working at Ben Lomond gave him the opportunity to see one.
 Shelby and her buddy Dave.  Dave has another girlfriend but for some reason he just can't resist holding Shelbys hand.  :)
Grandma and Grandpa Joy came and watched her and gave her a cute owl necklace that is also a watch.  She loves it!  After graduation we had a busy day ahead of us.  We went to lunch with Sage and Brylee....and Mrs Jill happened to be there too.  We picked Kadence up from school and brought her to grandma and grandpas to get her own owl necklace for "being so wise."  Owls are Grandpa Joys favorite animal so they thought it would be pretty fitting.  She was thrilled!  We then went to Famous Daves for an early birthday dinner for me and then straight on through to watch Katlyns dance performance.  She choreographed a solo and did great!  It was a great day and a great start to my birthday weekend!

Advice From Mama

Kadence and Shelby~

I tell you this almost everyday, but just in case you need a reminder here it is again....

"NOTHING you could ever do can make me stop loving you." 

I love you girls both so very much and I know at times it might seem like I don't as you grow up.  Please know that I will always love you, "always, forever and no matter what."  No matter how harsh your punishment, no matter how alone you feel, no matter how angry I am with you, no matter how big of a mistake you have made your mommy will ALWAYS be here loving you.

Love you both always and forever,
Your mommy

Sunday, May 12, 2013


I CONFESS.....I hate physical touch almost always, but can't get enough hugs and snuggles from my girls.  (And of course physical touch from David is fine by me!) I love when the girls squeeze me tight and don't let go.  I love when they climb into my lap.  I love that they kiss and appreciate that they kiss me on my cheek.  I love that Shelby loves holding my hand and hates letting go.  I love love love when they are close. 

I CONFESS.....Walking around the house naked is liberating.  I rarely shower at home alone but had the opportunity to do so the other day.  Afterwards I waltzed around for a minute getting a drink, grabbing some lotion, etc.  I will be the first to tell you that I dislike the sight of my body naked.  I hate the thought of people seeing my loose skinned belly, my stretch marks galore, etc.  For some reason those things didn't bother me while being alone.  It was almost like I was able to find a tiny bit of comfort in my body that I have grown a strong dislike for.  It was good and almost therapeutic.  I highly recommend you find  way to do the same!

I CONFESS....I have an amazing husband.  He stretches himself so thin and is always super busy.  If it isn't work or school its trying to keep up with the kids.  No matter what he is always willing to drop anything he needs to in order to be with family when needed.  I have never had to be alone when I truly needed him.  He has goals which are lofty, but I know he has his priorities straight.  He knows that the girls and I are more important than his goals.  We of course will never try to hinder him from them.....well most of them.  I love that man of mine and wonder how I got so lucky. 

I CONFESS....I get pregnant hungry.  Is that strange?  I HATED being pregnant.  I didn't just have rough pregnancies, I had miserable miserable pregnancies.  Passing out often, being constantly dizzy, the incredible pain as my daughters head was lodged into my ribcage causing nerve damage, etc. No matter how hard mine were, I have seen some ladies close to me go through much worse.  Why the heck would I want that?  I have no freakin clue!  I can snuggle a baby and not get baby hungry.  I have gotten past that part.  I just still wish I could carry a baby.  I wish that I could deliver a baby naturally vs cesarean.  I think I can do it and I will always wonder if I could.  There's no way to live vicariously through a pregnant woman.  I can snuggle someones baby, let them spit on me, rock them to sleep, kiss them like crazy, watch them grow and learn, delight in the new milestones, and so on.  I can do all that.  I just can't be pregnant for a minute and for some reason, some terrible crazy reason, I wish that I could. 

Graduation and Climbing Trees

Our good friend Josh graduated on May 4th and we couldn't have been more happy for him.  I personally know that much credit needs to go to his wife Amy for supporting him and picking up the slack while he was gone late to class and the many tests.  We were so happy for Josh and were glad we could figure out a way to get David down to the commencement ceremony.
 Sadly, I was so focused on making sure David could get there I forgot that I would need to somehow get the girls to school.  I probably could have figured it out if I didn't realize it the night before.  I felt terrible!  Luckily Josh's family was having a BBQ to celebrate that evening so I was able to go support him for part of the day at least. 
While we were at Josh's moms house the girls discovered the perfect tree for climbing.  They haven't ever climbed a tree before because none of them are low enough to the ground to climb.  They were thrilled!
 David and I were chatting and eating when we looked over to see Shelby....sitting in the tree....with a football helmet on.  It made me laugh so hard!
I'm so glad that my girls love to be outside and love to try new things.  I'm proud of them for being somewhat adventurous.  I'm even more proud of Josh for completing his Bachelors Degree.  What a great accomplishment that is!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013


In February, Shelbys preschool went to the Junction for a field trip to ifly, irock and flowrider.  I didn't realize that 3-4 parent/child combos would be allowed to do ifly.  This was AWESOME and Shelby was thrilled we were picked. 
Here I am getting her in her suit.  She picked pink!
 Shelby and her buddy Dave excited to fly
 I was SO excited and slightly worried Shelby would get too nervous
 Shelby wasn't nervous at all and had a ton of fun!  They have you fly two times.  The first time they keep you within a few feet of the net and the second you go high.  After Shelby went high she said, "I didn't like that so much" and that was that.  I was so proud of how brave she was! I of course enjoyed myself thoroughly! We were even given a DVD of our flight which was so nice because that meant we could show daddy and Kadence.
 Heres Shelby all ready to rock climb
 Shelby didn't love rock climbing too much but she did try it which made me proud.
 Because Shelby had such a fun experience and David had a membership to our local climbing gym, we decided it would only be fair to let Kadence go on an adventure too.  David took her to The Front climbing gym and let her do her thing.  To say she loved it is an understatement.  She was still on cloud nine when she got home which prompted us to buy the girls their very own climbing harness.
 David said she would get nervous and once he told her she was fine she'd just cruise up the wall.
 She made it to the top! 
I'm so glad David takes pictures when I am not there.  Kadence loved rock climbing so much that she decided thats what she wants to do for her birthday party.  I am thrilled.  I love planning their birthday parties but after Shelby had hers at ChuckECheese and I saw how easy it is to pay someone else to do all the work I secretly hope they always pick somewhere to go.  Well, I lie.  I love the ideas they help me come up with for their parties.  This birthday will be nice to not have to stress or plan for though because the prime planning time (June) is when we will be moving.  I know that if I started shopping and planning now I would lose half the stuff by the time her party day rolled around.  She's so funny about her party too.  She can invite 9 friends but she originally only wanted 7 total kids there, including herself.  I immediately knew it was because it was going to be for her 7th birthday and talked her into inviting 7 friends.  I pay for 10 kids either way so this was a good compromise.  She's happy and we get a little more for our money.  I love my little family so much!


So a while ago I returned something to Kohls without a receipt and they gave me store credit.  I was thinking I would use it for something the girls needed, but then I saw these amazing superhero shirts WITH capes.  I remember having a Superman cape when I was little and running around the basement.  Funny thing is, David had Batman.  Well our kids needed the same so we got them.  Our girls LOVE superheroes and were so very excited with their new shirts.

 Superman in a phone booth
 Batman wanted to come out of the Batcave so she had me take a picture of her coming out of the dark basement.  Silly me used the flash so you can't tell.
The smiles just wouldn't leave their faces.  It was by far one of the best purchases we've ever made.  We will only use them as PJ shirts because sending your kid to school with a cape just seems like trouble to me.  I think putting on a cape for bedtime spells trouble as well but I'd rather them be trouble for me than for someone else.  They love the shirts and I love watching them run around and listening to them giggle while they wear them!

Things That Must Go

Leg hair must go.  As we are approaching the time of year when I will be wearing shorts or capris or MAYBE even a swimming suit from time to time, I am reminded of the pain of shaving my legs.  I don't mean it literally, but it is a giant pain to have to keep your legs smooth.  Don't get me wrong, I shave in the Fall and Winter, just not as frequently.  It drives me nuts that showers now last twice as long.  I hate the effort that goes into shaving.  Luckily, David loves me regardless so I am not forced to do it.......but the embarrassment of hairy legs during an impromptu swimming trip forces me to.

This school year must go.  I am getting very impatient.  I want summer to be here so bad.  This will be the first summer in a few years that we actually have time to spend together.  David usually teaches summer school and he isn't this year so we get to play more often.  He is taking two classes from Utah State, but that only ties him up on Monday and Wednesday nights and only from mid June to August.  We will get some great fishing, camping and hiking done.  We'll go on many picnics, walks and trips to the park.  Before any of this can happen though......the school year HAS to go!

Catchy songs that are terrible songs must go.  You know the ones I'm talking about.  The ones you can't get out of your head, but you are slightly embarrassed that you even have it in your head.  I'm talking songs like Fergalicious.  It has a catchy beat which just gets it stuck in your head for hours.  These musicians know what they are doing! They don't have to make a great song as long as they can make a great tune.  Oh how I hate it, yet I embrace it at the same time.  I am sure my neighbors have heard me singing (very loudly and terribly) songs that are stuck in my head.  Lately it has been songs from Backyardigans or the them song to a cartoon.   I just sing it out!

Advice From Mama

Kadence and Shelby~

I hope that you always go after your dreams and dream big.  Right now at the ages of 5 and 6 you tell me of all the many things you will do when you are big.  Be teachers, mommys, popstars, McDonalds workers, doctors, nurses and of course this is all simultaneously. You never once doubt your ability, you just have it as a goal.  I don't know why we lose that along the way, but I hope that you don't.  I hope you both continue to set big goals, even seemingly unattainable ones.  I hope you have confidence.  I hope you believe in yourself. I hope you know you will always have support from your mom and dad and let us help you and cheer you on.  You both are amazing girls.  You are capable of so much.  I myself dream of what you will become when you grow and have since the first time I knew I was pregnant.  Things will be tough but anything worth achieving is worth a little blood, sweat and tears.  I love you both so much and have all the confidence in the world that you will both be able to achieve the goals you set before yourself and work hard at.  Never give up and always give 100%.  Love you to heaven and back!

Love Mommy