Tuesday, May 7, 2013


In February, Shelbys preschool went to the Junction for a field trip to ifly, irock and flowrider.  I didn't realize that 3-4 parent/child combos would be allowed to do ifly.  This was AWESOME and Shelby was thrilled we were picked. 
Here I am getting her in her suit.  She picked pink!
 Shelby and her buddy Dave excited to fly
 I was SO excited and slightly worried Shelby would get too nervous
 Shelby wasn't nervous at all and had a ton of fun!  They have you fly two times.  The first time they keep you within a few feet of the net and the second you go high.  After Shelby went high she said, "I didn't like that so much" and that was that.  I was so proud of how brave she was! I of course enjoyed myself thoroughly! We were even given a DVD of our flight which was so nice because that meant we could show daddy and Kadence.
 Heres Shelby all ready to rock climb
 Shelby didn't love rock climbing too much but she did try it which made me proud.
 Because Shelby had such a fun experience and David had a membership to our local climbing gym, we decided it would only be fair to let Kadence go on an adventure too.  David took her to The Front climbing gym and let her do her thing.  To say she loved it is an understatement.  She was still on cloud nine when she got home which prompted us to buy the girls their very own climbing harness.
 David said she would get nervous and once he told her she was fine she'd just cruise up the wall.
 She made it to the top! 
I'm so glad David takes pictures when I am not there.  Kadence loved rock climbing so much that she decided thats what she wants to do for her birthday party.  I am thrilled.  I love planning their birthday parties but after Shelby had hers at ChuckECheese and I saw how easy it is to pay someone else to do all the work I secretly hope they always pick somewhere to go.  Well, I lie.  I love the ideas they help me come up with for their parties.  This birthday will be nice to not have to stress or plan for though because the prime planning time (June) is when we will be moving.  I know that if I started shopping and planning now I would lose half the stuff by the time her party day rolled around.  She's so funny about her party too.  She can invite 9 friends but she originally only wanted 7 total kids there, including herself.  I immediately knew it was because it was going to be for her 7th birthday and talked her into inviting 7 friends.  I pay for 10 kids either way so this was a good compromise.  She's happy and we get a little more for our money.  I love my little family so much!

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