Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Waterfall Canyon

Before I broke my knee we would go on regular Sunday hikes. Unfortunately after a year when we felt I could start working towards hiking, we found out I had a severe thyroid problem and I was forbidden from exercise. Well with 2 years lost I was so happy to "try" to make it to the top of waterfall canyon. This isn't an easy hike for someone with a bad knee and I luckily knew that before. We warned the girls that we might not make it very far because my knee is still practicing. My knee was actually less of a problem than my thyroid. Before we were far, my heart was racing out of control. I didn't care because I wanted to get to the top. I just knew that I could do it. We had fun and were glad Jeffy, Ashley and Breanne asked us to join them. The girls picked up almost every rock and bug on the way up. Shelby also insisted on walking RIGHT on the edge of the trail which at times means its close to falling off the side of the mountain. I think they wanted to test moms anxiety levels.

This would be the difficult part for the knee
We made it and I was so proud of the girls, but for the first time I was really proud of myself too!
On the way back down, we found a beetle. The girls loved looking at it but Shelby wanted to hold it. David helped her get it. He then asked Kadence if she wanted to hold it. She told him yes and then started to cry because she didn't want to. We told her she didn't have to....that is why David asked after all. Silly girl! David released the beetle and while I wasn't looking Shelby picked it back up again. She scared the crap out of me! Then she stared putting it closer and closer to Kadence. Ha!
I love our family, I love the outdoors and I love that I was able to do something I didn't think I could!

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