Thursday, May 23, 2013

Mothers Day

Most of these pictures are from a phone, but hey its what we had!  I am a girl who demands a whole weekend for Mothers Day and my birthday.  I feel I deserve it and David must agree because he always gives me as long as I request.  I personally love Tuesday birthdays because then I get a really long celebration.  Ha!  Shelby started talking about Fathers Day on Friday and I told her that MY day was only two days away so she should start planning that first.  She then told me that she wanted a day just for the kids.  HELLO, that is EVERY day!  The little turd!  She then later decided that their birthdays were an acceptable time to celebrate them.  We started Saturday with a soccer game.  It was the last game David was able to see due to a state track meet the following Saturday.
 Kadence improved so much from Fall to Spring and really started loving soccer.  She was less timid and got in there and kicked the ball.  Her strength is defense for sure though.
 After soccer we had a Subway picnic in our front yard.  When we were done eating, Kadence went in to go potty and David brought in our plates.  Shelby then started on her way inside.  I asked her if she was going to leave me outside by myself and she said, "Mother nature is with you."  In a very "DUH" tone. 
 After our picnic I went to a bridal shower and the girls helped David vacuum and detail the inside of my car.  It was beyond dirty and it made it look so much better.  We went to a BBQ at Jeff and Taycinas and I got to hold Nicholas for quite some time.  (How could it get any better?!)  We went straight from the BBQ to The Oaks for ice cream and french fries.  This is one of my favorite things to do with my little family.  I love sitting outside at the tables and you can't if you only get ice cream so we always add fries and onion rings so we can get seated.  I love the view.  Nothing is better than sitting in the middle of the mountains with the river going by...oh wait that is unless a great friend and her kids are able to join you.  I was so happy to have Megan, Davisson and Odessa join us this time.
I woke up Sunday morning to a bouquet meant for me.  It was made of flowers the girls colored and candy.  I couldn't have been happier.  I am not a huge flower fan.  I am however a huge candy fan!  I loved it and loved that it was different. 
 David got the girls completely ready for church by himself so that I could relax and enjoy my day.  In the evening we decided to go to BLs track to practice running with the girls.  They were so excited to pull out their brand new shoes!  We quickly learned that taking them out in almost 90 degree temps to run wasn't such a grand idea.  Not to mention, Shelbys hair was down and Kadence had her brace on.  Oops!  We learned our lesson because they were SO hot. 
We then all went around to all the moms and grandmas and brought them a little chocolate and some cards the girls made.  We didn't stay long at any place because my dinner was waiting at home in the crock pot.  I have to say I am the luckiest woman in the world.  I have a husband who goes out of his way to make sure I enjoy my matter how long or busy that weekend is.  I have great friends whom I enjoy spending time with and love that they allow me to be a part of their childrens lives.  And my girls....oh how I love them.  They are who made me a mommy.  I love how sweet they are when they know it is my special day (S).  They give many more hugs, lots more "I love you's" and extra "You're the best mommy in the whole world's."  I can never express to anyone how happy I am to be blessed with these girls in my life.  They are my everything.  They drive me crazy, keep me on my toes, make me laugh, make me cry, make me stay silly, warm my heart and make me feel like the most special woman around.  Love you girls with all my heart!

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