Thursday, May 23, 2013

Preschool Graduation!

We had our very last ever preschool graduation today.  Shelby cried all morning yesterday because it was her last day of preschool.  She and Mrs Jill cried during school together.  She cried this morning.  The poor girl is devastated.  Part of it is because preschool is over and another part is shes afraid she won't see any of her friends again....or Mrs Jill.  I have assured her over and over that we will still see some of her friends and that Mrs Jill is always willing to meet us for lunch.  That helped a little.  She was very specific with which dress she wanted, how she wanted her hair and which bow she wanted.  She is a girl who knows what she wants and on special days, she always gets what she wants.
 Shelbys on the back row toward the middle
 Getting her diploma
 Big girl!
 David had his entire class come watch the graduation so that he could see Shelby.  He hasn't ever been able to make it to any graduation before because you aren't allowed to miss the last two days of school.  Working at Ben Lomond gave him the opportunity to see one.
 Shelby and her buddy Dave.  Dave has another girlfriend but for some reason he just can't resist holding Shelbys hand.  :)
Grandma and Grandpa Joy came and watched her and gave her a cute owl necklace that is also a watch.  She loves it!  After graduation we had a busy day ahead of us.  We went to lunch with Sage and Brylee....and Mrs Jill happened to be there too.  We picked Kadence up from school and brought her to grandma and grandpas to get her own owl necklace for "being so wise."  Owls are Grandpa Joys favorite animal so they thought it would be pretty fitting.  She was thrilled!  We then went to Famous Daves for an early birthday dinner for me and then straight on through to watch Katlyns dance performance.  She choreographed a solo and did great!  It was a great day and a great start to my birthday weekend!

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