Friday, February 3, 2012

Friday Confessional

I CONFESS....I am getting sick of Facebook a little. I can't stand the few people who ONLY post negative things and refuse to think life is any better than dreadful. It seems like some people just aren't happy unless they are miserable. I understand that sometimes life does indeed suck, but a more positive outlook can make it a little less miserable. I have been through some crappy times and I don't think I have ever been as negative as some folks are over some seemingly minor things. I can't stand when people post vague comments like "Well that didn't go as planned" or "Hopefully this will all get better", etc. THEN when you ask about it they don't answer. I get that it may not be my business, but when you make me worry by posting on a very public site I feel that you should be courteous enough to at least share. I also don't enjoy seeing all the fantastic things other moms do with their kids and all the glorious meals they prepare day in and day out. Don't get me wrong, I post fun things I do sometimes. I just don't enjoy when every single day you are flaunting the fact that you are the ideal, picture perfect mom. In reality, you aren't. You are like me in many ways and just don't share the things you aren't great at. I don't think it does anyone a service by being half honest. It just makes them feel that they are inadequate and should be doing more. AHHH....glad I got that off my chest.

I CONFESS....I forgot to give my kids lunch today. I gave them breakfast and a snack, but then forgot completely about lunch. Good thing the snack was kind of filling!

I CONFESS....I have the most positive happy kid ever. No matter what is going on in Kadence's little world, she is SO happy. Nothing gets her down for long. She currently has pneumonia and has been coughing pretty consistently for 3 days now. You would think she would be complaining but nope! She just says "I don't feel very well" and goes on with her day. You can only even tell she's sick if you know her really well....or you hear her cough. She is a little less happy than usual, which is still pretty darn happy. She is a little less spunky and energetic, but that means she isn't jumping and spinning constantly. I am one lucky mommy to have such a great kid like her!

I CONFESS....This is going to seem like I am picking favorites after the last confession, but just know that I love BOTH my girls to death. BUT Shelby has been driving me absolutely crazy lately!! If she gets dressed she leaves her clothes on the floor wherever instead of putting them where they go, if you ask both girls to clean up Shelby puts one thing away and lets Kadence finish, she won't stop touching things she shouldn't, she is whiny, she won't listen.....the kid is driving me nuts! It honestly has just been this week, it must be something about turning 4. I'm hoping we can change all of that real quick before I lose my mind!

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