Friday, March 7, 2014

Sex Talk!

David and I are two very open individuals who will tell you anything you want to know about us....and often times things you didn't want to know about us.  We are open books!  I was always the girl who could care less if people knew I was on my period, if I was going to the bathroom to change my tampon, etc.  I didn't see the need to whisper a bunch and grab something from a friend as you scurried off to the restroom.  It seemed silly to me.  It's a natural thing that happens to everyone and there isn't a need to be ashamed of it.  I have told David from the beginning that we would be very open sexually with the girls.  At first he was thinking that he wouldn't have a big part of it because we had girls, but then I explained they need to be able to go to their daddy too.  He fully agreed.  There might be a day when I am away and he is home and they have a question or need something.  I don't want them to feel they can't ask him.  He agrees fully which is nice.  We also agreed we would start early with our sex talks so that our kids were well informed.  We don't want them to hear things at school and not feel they can ask questions.  Not to mention the stuff the hear at school is most likely only partially true as it is coming from another child who may or may not be well informed.  We have always talked to them about "good touch, bad touch" and that they are in charge of their own bodies.  It is them who gets to say if any kind of touch is ok to them.  This is sometimes a struggle when we tickle them and they jokingly tell us to stop because you know they don't really mean it.  We still try to stop matter what.  They need to feel like they are in charge and can make decisions about their body.  We have also told them that only 'mommy, daddy and the doctors IF mommy and daddy are there' can see them naked or see any private part.  They've known this for as long as they could understand what a private part was.  The part they didn't know all about yet was how babies were made.  They recently found out that babies come out of a moms vagina and they were completely disgusted!  That was because they asked me so I told them.  I feel that if a child has a question then they are ready for the answer.  They still have the misconception that the baby just gets "put in the moms tummy".  Last week I heard the phrase, "when the mom goes and gets the baby put in her tummy" and I knew that it was time to fix that idea.  I researched books and found one I like.  It is age appropriate and has 2 other books that are for older ages and each one offers a few more in depth details.  I read it beforehand to make sure that everything in it was age appropriate and accurate.  Then we decided tonight was the night.  We started by asking the girls if they wanted to know.  I mean if they didn't that was fine they are only 6 and 7 years old.  My requirement is that they know before their mandatory maturation video.  I don't know why I care that much but I don't want them finding out for the first time in front of their peers.  I knew before and so did David.  I remember friends who didn't know though and they were so mortified by the whole experience.  I don't want that to be my girls.  Plus, sex is starting at younger and younger ages.  Children are being exposed to pornographic images at younger and younger ages.  I don't want my girls to be in a situation that they are uninformed and don't know what to do.  Well, they verdict was that they BOTH did indeed want to know about boy and girl bodies and how babies are made.  We read through the book and we ALL made it without giggling....even David.  The girls were able to ask any question they had and we only had one person cry!  (Good touch, bad touch was part of our conversation and Kadence got scared)  It wasn't as hilarious as I thought it would be based on our previous conversations either.  I think this is good in a way because my girls seemed to really grasp that it was educational not silly.  David hated that every time I said penis Shelby would look at him.  She really did and it was so hard not to laugh!  After mentioning the actual mechanics of sex, Kadence just had this disgusted look on her face.  Then she said "That sound pretty gross."  Shelby just said " guys have sex?"  At one point Shelby asked if David was circumcised.  Kadence thinks its sad that we cut baby boys penises because "that would really hurt!"  Shelby needed to know what a plum was so that she could figure out how big a small plum would be....which is how big the book says a childs uterus is.  They both think the word anus is disgusting and think talking about poop is super gross too.  They wanted David to show them his armpit hair at one point. Although we said no because our bodies aren't for peep shows! Ha! He would have had to completely unbutton his shirt for that which seemed ridiculous.  All in all the girls did great!  We plan on talking to them about it as they have questions of course and then again in a year or so.  I don't think you can be too educated when it comes to your own body.  David and I officially feel like we are parents now that we have accomplished our first sex talk!    :)

1 comment:

  1. you two are seriously the BEST parents EVER. I love how open and honest you are with everyone. I have always admired that about you. Congrats on surviving Sex 101 ~ the first of many discussions I am sure. miss ya.
