Saturday, August 2, 2014

Baptism Day!

The big day was finally here and Kadence was SO extremely excited to be baptized as a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.  We made sure she knew what a huge decision this was and that she understood fully everything it entailed so that she could decide if she did in fact want to be baptized.  At some points it almost seemed like I was trying to talk her out of it, but it is a big decision that shouldn't be rushed into so I wanted to be sure she wanted to.  Never once did she waiver in her certainty.  I have a lot to post about her big day because I don't remember a ton about my baptism so I want to write as much down as I can so she can hopefully remember hers.  (Especially since her memory isn't great)  Because I have a lot to post I will this post as the basics and then another with the fun little details.

I made her a book for people to sign that is full of her baptism pictures and includes the date.
 A long time ago it was decided that both girls wanted a "big cake" for their baptisms so big cake is what she got.  We went with a rainbow theme because "When I am Baptized" is her favorite song and it talks about rainbows.  I love that the girls love each other so much which is evident by the little hand Shelby placed on her big sisters shoulder.

 We did rainbow drinks...
 We had 6ft subs, chips, and fruit.  Kadence wanted blueberries to go in the little bowl instead of fruit dip.
 It looked like a gay pride party instead of a baptism, but she was thrilled!
 She wanted to sit in the birthday chair but was worried someone would sit in it so I made a sign.
 Kadence wanted her picture of the temple to be put up on the mantle.
 Shelby spent weeks putting together a baptism book for her sister.  She even held it together with one of her paperclips from her collection....which is a HUGE deal.  It was the sweetest thing to watch her put it together.

 Seriously I am the luckiest momma ever!

 Kadence wasn't in the mood for a ton of pictures, she just wanted to get baptized so she doesn't look too thrilled in some of the pictures.

 Grandma and Grandpa Joy

 She was seriously the most excited kid I'd ever seen.
 Uncle Brian, Aunt Janis and Great Grandma Judy.  
(I felt so bad making Janis take this picture as she had just found out her brother was life flighted after a head on collision up Logan canyon.  I just wanted Kadence to remember they came for her big day and I knew they would be leaving soon.  Luckily she's a great sport and is probably the kindest person I've ever met in my life.)
 Cutting the cake!

 Uncle Curtis!
 She loved the cake, and thought it was hilarious I took this picture.
 Taycina, Nicholas and Silly Jeff
 Allison, Ryker, Aunt Barb, Katie, Aunt Eileen, Maddie and Kaleb
 Megan, Odessa, Mrs Jill, and Davisson
 Desirea, Brent, Addilyn and Emi
 We got great grandma Neal to sign up for Pottermore and see what Harry Potter house she would be sorted into....Hufflepuff. 
 Sherri also got sorted but into Gryffindor.
 Aaron was playing with the kids magnets of course.
 I just want to squish them until they scream.
 After much coaxing great grandma Neal let us take a picture. 
(I told her she had to take it before I would let her leave the house)

 Parker, Katlyn, Aaron, Rachel, Kalli and Kylah
It was a super great day full of family and friends.  We are so blessed to be surrounded and supported by so many.  I didn't grow up knowing my extended family but I am so grateful that my girls will have memories with cousins and aunts/uncles.  I'm so incredibly proud of the choice Kadence made and her excitement was so contagious.  Love her guts!

1 comment:

  1. You are seriously such a cute mom! I love everything about this and we are so excited for Kadence and her decision.
