Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Health Verdict

So I have been waiting for the results from my iodine uptake that I had done at the end of March. I was hoping to hear back from the Dr before my vacation to Disneyland and I was so excited when they called on April 2nd. Unfortunately they just said that my results were in and the Dr wanted to see me as soon as I could and cancel my April 19th appointment. I was pretty freaked out, but called them back to get a new appointment. Since they couldn't squeeze me in on the 3rd and I was leaving on the 4th, we scheduled for the day after I got back. (today) I was so panicked and new that I couldn't enjoy my vacation without a few more details to I called back and left a message asking them to just give me my results. The assistant called and left me a message telling me that the Dr was just worried about how I was feeling and figured we'd just get the ball rolling sooner since there isn't a reason to wait any longer. I tried to tell myself that was it, but deep down I knew it wasn't. The uptake looks for the cause of the hyperthyroidism and nothing the assistant said mentioned a cause. I enjoyed my vacation with my family and then came back to reality when we got back to Utah.

I had David come with me to the Dr appointment because I was so nervous there was more to the story. I was right. The Dr started by going over my blood work. I guess it is consistent with Graves Disease and two auto immune problems. One of them is Hoshimoto thyroiditis and I can't remember the other one to save my life. He told me that I was "lucky" sarcastically. :) Then he started in on the uptake results. With the uptake they give me radioactive iodine and then do a scan at 4 hours and 24 hours. After 4 hours the normal range would be 5-15%....mine was at 69%. After 24 hours the normal range would be 15-30%....mine was at 86%. He said that this shows that I have the worst case of Graves disease he's ever seen. (I think he should have given me a trophy!) So with all that great news we started talking about treatment. He wanted to start immediately because as he described it, "my body is working in overdrive and functioning as if I had an epipen injection constantly." This isn't good on the muscles and definitely not great on the heart. I told him that I can't do radioactive treatment until summer because David will be at work and I need the help with the kids. With the treatment I am not allowed to be anywhere near my children or even use the same bathroom. This doesn't seem too likely until the end of the school year. He understood my concerns and said that he would consult with the other Dr to see what he thought. I could tell he was hesitant to wait. He called me tonight and left a message and said that he has come up with another option after speaking with the other Dr. I will call him back tomorrow to try and figure out what the other option is. I'm hoping its a fantastic one because it seems as if it's that or doing the radioactive treatment right now without waiting. I have a great support system of friends and family and I know that my girls would be well cared for, but I hate to depend on others and would prefer to avoid it if possible. The doctor also explained what the next 8-9 months would be like for me. Basically I will become even more hyperthyroid as my thyroid dies, then I will go hypothyroid and with that will come weight gain, fatigue and he said all my muscles will hurt. Then they will balance it back to normal with thyroid hormones and I will be good from there on out. It sounds tricky, and not too much fun, but it is what it is. I am taking it all pretty well and with a positive attitude and I'm hoping to be able to find a treatment that works well for me and for my family. If not, I thank you all in advance for the outpouring of support, prayers, love and help with my girls. I truly appreciate it and have the best family and friends I could ask for.

1 comment:

  1. Thyroid problems are icky. I have to checked every couple of years since there have been so many problems on my mom's side. I am sorry you have to deal with this, it sucks! You are going into it with a good attitude, which will help a lot with coping. I will just have to make you some sugar cookies to make it more bearable:)
