Tuesday, November 5, 2013

It Works!

I have seen so SO many posts about the "it works" body wraps.  I have friends and family members who sell them.  They seem very appealing, as do most weight loss products.  I mean you wrap something around your problem areas and 1 hour later you are inches smaller.  If you decide to wrap additional times, you end up with a thin physique.  Here is an example....
 I know that I am not large, let me just put that out there.  I don't need people to tell me not to lose weight.  I have put on 20 pounds since breaking my knee and then having my thyroid levels off.  I would like to get healthier for my girls as well as for myself.  I see no problem in losing weight.  I do however have a problem with taking short cuts.  I may be lazy, but I feel any results should be worked on and done with adjustments to your lifestyle.  I don't think you need to pay to wrap your body to lose weight, rather work at it and make changes. Here are my "it works" to make lifestyle changes even when you can't do much exercising results....

I didn't get my results after 45 minutes....or even 45 days.  It has taken 5 months.  I am not posting this to brag or to show off and I hope it isn't taken that way.  I am posting because I worked at making positive choices, baby steps, towards becoming a healthier me.  I still can't exercise much, but I take the stairs at work versus the elevator and I do sit ups a few times a week.  Not much, but its more than I used to do. I snack far less than I used to and when I do I don't snack for hours, just A snack.  I used to sit on the couch and seriously go from chips to candy to cereal to ice cream to candy to mozzarella sticks to candy.  Now I get a bowl of chips and a piece of candy.  I don't eat all night long, just one snack after the girls go to bed to help me unwind.  I don't eat healthy, but have began to eat healthier.  I added some veggies, started cooking more and eating out less.  This has been extremely hard because David and I literally don't have much time to cook.  We have made it work and David has also met a weight loss goal in the process.  It has been good for us all.  I am so proud of both of us.  I'm happy we are now setting a better example for our girls.  I'm happy we decided to make a change now before I had gained more than 20 pounds.  I am proud of me and the hard work..... well....."IT WORKS!"

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