Wednesday, December 28, 2011


I CONFESS....I am overwhelmed by the idea of blogging our Christmas. It isn't that difficult, but it just seems like a lot of work. I do this so that I can have a more permanent way of keeping our memories so I'm sure I will get to it.

I CONFESS....I am so happy to be able to go back to school this semester. I am excited, yet nervous. I haven't had to balance being a mom, taking care of the house, school AND school drop offs/pick ups all at once before. I'm hoping I can balance it all and do well this next semester!

I CONFESS....Our basement used to just be a giant storage shed. I honestly just ignored the fact that it was part of the house to be honest. Our food storage room and laundry room were basically the only rooms that I used in the basement and I shoved anything semi crafty or decorative in my "craft room." That all changed this winter break! I had been slowly clearing out what would be a family room the past month and with David home, the holidays over, and two pretty cooperative kids we finally cleaned the room out....well, mostly. There are still a few things in there that don't go in there, but the girls can go down and play in there now. Because the girls now have somewhere to play downstairs, David and I have been able to spend more time cleaning other areas of our basement. I now have a downstairs bathroom. The girls were so surprised we even had another bathroom. (I'm telling ya, it was bad!) David and I are continuing to work on our respective rooms and are hoping to have them drastically improved before the new year. Of course my craft room and his office will never be clean, they will actually have a function now which is fantastic. This is an embarrassing little confession, but I'm glad I am working on fixing it. :)

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