The girls and David had been training for their upcoming races. David would be running the Huntsville full marathon and the girls would run the kids mile. Their training consisted of running to 7-11 which happens to be a mile away and their reward was to get a slurpee. They even ran in the rain and I followed so that we could drive home to avoid their slurpees getting ruined. They got pretty quick and were running a mile in under 10 minutes. I'm so proud of them and its so cute they get to do something with their daddy.
When we signed up for the marathon, we also booked two nights at a hotel in Ogden. It was right across the street from the packet pick up and it meant that we could wake up an hour later and relax in the pool after the races. We also were able to spend time with family and friends which is a huge bonus. I went to lunch with Sage for our sister lunch and then to dinner with Megan and Desirea. David took care of the girls and enjoyed the time with them. We woke up really really early to head up the canyon. For some reason they wanted David at the bus by 2 1/2 hours before the race started which was crazy! We got to Huntsville at 6, David started the race at 9 and the girls started at 1. This meant that we had a full 7 hours until the girls race started. I had originally planned to entertain them at the park, but it was SO cold. It was 29 degrees when we pulled up and it stayed that way for a few hours.
The girls and I stayed in the car and ate cereal and listened to the radio for quite some time
We then got cozy and watched a show on the ipad
It was then time for a potty break and I thought we would try our luck at the park. Unfortunately it was so cold there was ice on one slide which hurt and the other slide was metal and freezing.
After 11 the library opened up which was right across from where we parked. It was so nice to have flushing potties instead of honey buckets. It was also nice to have heat, room to stretch and entertainment. I read a chapter book to the girls, we look at the art and the girls read a few magazines.
After a few more snacks, treats and hours it was finally time for the girls to get ready to race
Shelby crossed first...
Kadence wasn't too far behind...
David came by not too long after the girls finished. He was running strong and seemed to have some life still in him which was so good to see!
He ran pretty well and accomplished a few of his goals. He ran without walking for the first 23 miles which was 3.2 miles shy of his goal. He wanted to run the entire thing without walking. Unfortunately he got pretty dehydrated and got a leg cramp so bad that his leg wouldn't straighten. He walked a little, but finished very strong. He also set a goal to finish in under 4 hours and 30 minutes. Well, he did it! He finished in 4 hours and 20 minutes!! He came in 14 in his age division out of 28. I am so incredibly proud of him!
We then went back to eat lunch at the Pizzeria and then to the hotel to swim. Jeffy, Megan, Dusty, Davisson and Odessa joined us in the pool. Here's Jeff throwing Shelby...
David throwing Kadence...
David doing a sexy hair flip....
Odessa being cute like usual...
After swimming we went to our room to get ready to go to the movie. We looked out the window to see a flash mob proposal. It was pretty well done and was fun to watch...
Jeffy joined us at the movies and we all really enjoyed it!
After a long day, we were all exhausted!
We woke up early the next morning so we could shower and get ready to go to our Addalyn's blessing. Addalyn is Josh and Amy's newest princess. She was adorable and it was so nice for the girls to get to see Hadlee. Kadence was super naughty the whole time we were there, but considering the long day we had the day before it wasn't too bad.
I love my girls to death and I love that they run. I love that they are able to share Davids hobby with him. I'm incredibly proud of David for setting a goal and surpassing it. I can't imagine walking 26.2 miles, but running it seems absolutely crazy to me. I am excited to see him run in the Ogden Half Marathon this May. I also signed the girls and I up to run the 5K. I am less excited about this part. I don't really run and my knee is terrible but I want to be able to join the girls and to push them to run further than they have. I would love for them to continue running because it is a healthy hobby that can help them in almost anything they decide to do in the future. I think it will take me the full 7 months to mentally prepare to run the 5K, but I will do it! My goal for the girls and I is to finish in under 50 minutes. Davids goal is to beat his last half marathon time which was 1:50. (I think anyways) Wish us luck!