Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Things That Must Go...

People who push their kids to be THE best must go.  I see too many parents who brag about how advanced their children are.  That in fact is something even I do sometimes.  I don't have a problem with how proud you are of your child...in fact, if I am having a conversation with you chances are I am equally proud of them.  The problem comes when parents are talking and the conversation turns into the adults competing for who has the best, smartest, most athletic, most gifted child.  A simple, "Kadence reads really well for her age." Turns into, "Billy knows all of the 3rd grade sight words AND reads at a 4th grade level."  It's not that I am not happy for Billy but the fact you couldn't simply be happy for my child's success without bringing up how advanced your child is....MUST GO!  Not very often do people compare their children to mine but I see this scenario play out far too often.  The kids hear it.  Suddenly the first child feels like they didn't actually accomplish much at all.  Then the second child must work harder to maintain their place at the top.  It just isn't fair.  Whatever happened to letting our kids fail at something so they learn that it doesn't all come easily?  What happened to being ok with your child being different in both their failures and successes?  What happened to letting kids be kids and letting them play after school and practice sight words a little less than the kid next door?  I think that children learn a great deal from playing and interacting with others or playing by themselves.  I think they learn a lot when they decide all they want to do is draw, despite their ability to do a great job at it.  I stand by what I tell my kids almost every single day, "I don't need you to be the best, I just need you to do YOUR best."  Everyone has a different level of ability, everyone excels at something and has to work harder at other things.  It's how it is.  Lets compare a little less and support and praise a little more.  Every child is great from the top of the class to the one who struggles with their colors in 2nd grade.  Just love them, they are kids for heavens sakes.

People who check in for an appointment and then sit down with headphones in their ears must go!  I am not joking, this has happened twice in the last month.  A student comes and checks in for their appointment, has a seat and then can't hear their name being called due to the headphones in their ears.  I don't even understand how you think this is a good idea.  One student even looked at us like it was OUR fault that we couldn't get his attention for a few minutes.  People need to get some manners!

Speaking of manners, people who chew with their mouths open must go!  I seriously can not handle eating with someone who eats with their mouth open.  My girls occasionally hear the phrase "if you chew with your mouth open one more time you will go hungry because you will be done eating."  I don't know why it bothers me so much, but it immediately gets on my nerves.  I don't like the sound of chewing even if your mouth is closed but to chew with it open drives me right up the wall.  Please stop and learn some etiquette. Also, please teach your children to chew with their mouths closed as well.  Kids learn quickly and they can understand far more than you think.  Start young and just let it be a part of their normal expectations.  This way I will have son in laws who know how to chew without driving me crazy!

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