Friday, October 9, 2009

Scarecrow Tostadas

For family night last Monday we put up all of our Halloween decorations as our activity. To get in the mood I made scarecrow tostadas for dinner. I got the idea out of a Pillsbury Halloween magazine and although it didn't turn out as cute as the picture in the magazine, the girls like it.

You put down the tostada and top it with ground beef and refried beans. You put a tortilla chip at the top for a hat. You put two dollops of sour cream topped with sliced olives for the eyes, a baby carrot stick cut in half for the nose and a slice of tomato for the mouth. Between the hat and the eyes place shredded lettuce and shredded cheese to act as the 'stuffing.' Kadence thought it was so great she didn't want to eat the face, but eventually I coaxed her into it.

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