Wednesday, October 14, 2009


So Sunday Shelby started to get the cold symptoms and since she was exposed to swine flu on Friday (For the second time) we decided we might want to watch her closely. I called the wee care and asked if there was a benefit to taking her in and without saying no, the MA said no. She said that to test that early, we would get a negative whether she had it or not and some pediatricians aren't giving tamiflu anyways. So we decided to just treat her at home.

Monday she started with a pretty high fever and was having some trouble breathing. We took her in and the swine flu test came back negative. The doctor was a little surprised and decided to do a strep test. It too came back negative. While he was hesitant, he started telling us it must just be a virus and we would have to let it run its course. Right when he finished he said he wanted to get a chest x-ray. While he was giving us the 'usual virus speal' he was watching how quickly Shelby was breathing. We went and got an x-ray by the coolest guy EVER! He was Russian but sounded a lot like Borat and even said 'Very Nice' I couldn't stop laughing. The x-ray showed that Shelby had pneumonia. He started her on an antibiotic and wanted her back for a follow up the next day.

Yesterday we brought her to her follow up and the doctor (A different one than the instacare who is partnered with the girls primary pediatrician) told us that by looking at the lung shape in Shelby's x-ray she could tell right away that she has asthma. She did another swine flu test because she was sure Shelby had it too. Again, negative. She told us that she is almost positive that she has it although the tests keep saying she didn't. She had us give Shelby a breathing treatment before we left to see if it could help her breathing any. That was an experience to say the least. Shelby turned into one of those demonic children you see on 20/20. We haven't ever seen a kid act that way at all. It was absolutely crazy. Yelling, hitting, kicking, headbutting.....anything to get away. The dr came back in and said ' I gather she wasn't too fond of that.' Which was pretty funny.

Today Shelby woke up without a fever and actually ate a few bites of her lunch. She is a little cranky and stuffy, but worlds different from the past few days. Hopefully she only goes up from here.

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