Tuesday, November 25, 2014


Halloween this year was a bit different than most years in the sense that both girls needed to be ready by 8am and they didn't both have a hat to wear which meant I needed to work hard.  Shelby also wanted makeup so that added another element to the morning, but she didn't want mascara so it went pretty quick.  Kadence was a cranky pirate with a hook... 
 Shelby was a sassy pop star!
 I love that they love each other!  I also love that Kadence closed the hug by putting her hook on her wrist.
I tried to prepare them for me to take a picture of them during their parade.  Before I dropped them off at school I told them to stop, smile and let me get a picture.  Shelby had all sorts of concerns.  She thought she should warn the person behind her so she didn't get bumped, she didn't want to get in trouble for not walking nicely and she was worried she wouldn't see me.  I told her to stop stressing then and I'd just get a blurry picture....which I did!
Kadence followed the rule though!  I think this is the first non blurry Halloween parade picture of her.
 After school we went trick or treating to Maceys and Jamba Juice with Chloe and Naomi.  The girls had a blast and were excited they already had stuff in their bags BEFORE it was dark.  We then picked up our Pizza Hut order and rushed to meet David in a gas station parking lot so we could try to make it to the Ogden trunk or treat.  Every year (except last year) we have gone to David's parents ward trunk or treat.  It's fun because not only do we get to see grandma and grandpa, but we get to see Barb, Brian, Janis, Judy, Eileen and a lot of the cousins!  (That's what happens when so many Joys are in one ward)  Grandpa wasn't able to make it this year, but we were able to bring him pictures of the girls in their costumes so he wasn't left out.  

After the trunk or treat we went to show our costumes to Grandma Neal.  We sat and visited for a while with her and got to look at some of her wedding pictures.  She also told us that the reason she is so picky now is because she hated her cake topper and didn't say anything and it's bothered her ever since.  It's always nice to listen and learn from her.  I'm so glad my girls are patient and enjoy time listening to their great grandma.  We went door to door to a few houses in her neighborhood, went to visit with the Leatherows from our old neighborhood and then made the drive home.

We had a lot of fun, the girls got more than enough treats and they had a blast sorting them when we got home.

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