Monday, September 13, 2010


Ok, my girls are absolutely OBSESSED with the idea of having a baby. They have been this way for a week straight. I on the other hand am not a fan of the idea and neither is David. Kadence came into the kitchen the other day while I was making lunch and showed me her doll wrapped in a blanket. Then she told me, "Look at my baby mom, isn't she cute?" Of course I played along and told her how beautiful her baby was. Then she asked, "Can I keep her?" I was shocked and I have to admit I instantly prayed to never have that conversation again. She has said many similar things since and is just obsessed with having a baby. It's so obsessed that David has started to stress to her that she has to wait until she gets married. She asks all the time if she can have a baby. Now she tells us, "When I marry my prince I will have a baby and I will love it." (I love that she wants to marry a prince.) Shelby follows right in her sisters ways. She isn't as verbal because of her age, but she is also pretty fond of the idea of babies....and having one in "Shelbys house." Tonight she saw a picture of a baby and told me, "I hold it?" I told her that we couldn't hold it because it was only a picture. Then she told me, "We'll get a baby at the store." I told her the store didn't have babies. She then told me, "A baby at our house." Meaning she wants a baby at our house. Man, I really hope they aren't on to something because my oldest brother (or possibly sister I'm not sure) told my mom she was pregnant before she even knew. David and I are perfectly content and happy with our two princesses and wouldn't mind keeping it that way. I'm hoping this is just a phase and they will out grow being so insanely obsessed with wanting a baby. But for now I'll laugh about it and enjoy how cute they are when they rock, feed, and sing to their pretend babies.

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