Friday, May 27, 2011

Friday Confessional

I CONFESS...I LOVE airheads. They are so delicious. I have loved them since I was little and I just recently started eating them again. I like watermelon best and when I was pregnant I used to send David off to look for watermelon airheads. YUM!

I CONFESS...My hair drives me absolutely crazy. I can't stand leaving it down and usually I can't even make it through a whole day before I put my hair up into a pony tail. I don't know what it is. I hate that it gets staticky and sticks to my face. I hate that it gets tangled and gross fast. I just simply hate leaving my hair down.....but it looks much better down than in a pony tail so I do leave it down occasionally.

I CONFESS...I am really nervous to fly on an airplane on Sunday. I don't know what it is about flying that makes me anxious either. I feel flying is safe, and usually things go as planned. I just think I feel more in control on the ground in a car. I haven't been on a plane since I was 8 and so I think I'm a little hesitant because I don't remember flying. (All I really remember is watching Casper on the plane) Luckily we are only going to Las Vegas so we won't be in the plane too long. The girls are really excited so I hope their excitement rubs off on me. What I am excited about is not having to drive all the way to Vegas. I hate long car rides!

I CONFESS...I am really really excited for my college class that starts at the end of June. I am taking a photography class. I am excited to learn how to actually use my dream camera I got for Christmas and how to edit pictures. I don' t know that I will ever take pictures for money, because I enjoy doing it as a hobby. I'm afraid that if I do it for money it will no longer be something I love doing. Either way I will take my families pictures and get to learn and explore all the features of my camera and have fun editing them.

I CONFESS...I am SO angry at Ogden City Schools. I can't stand that they feel they have the right to treat teachers the way they do. I complain mostly about the fact that the teachers have gone without their "step increases" for 2 years in a row. "Steps" are their yearly raise they get because each year they are more experienced. David is a 4th year teacher getting paid as a 2nd year teacher and it makes me mad. I get that the economy has forced the state to take cuts in many different areas, and that doesn't exactly make me angry. It sucks, but what do ya do? What really gets me fired up is that every other district was able to give a $2000 bonus to their teachers in lieu of this years step. The other districts received this bonus months ago. Ogden Schools just decided they would give a $900 bonus to their June. Ogden is the only district that went the ENTIRE school year without a contract. That is a really big deal. They still don't have a contract and are fighting to come to a compromise so they can have a contract for next year. Another thing that makes me mad is that the administrators are still increasing in pay and just recently got new Ipad 2's. The UEA actually hired an independent, unbiased company called "fact finding" to go in and take a look at the districts funds to see if the teachers were wanting money that simply was not available. NOPE! The fact finding company said there is no reason why the teachers can't be given their appropriate steps. If David were to leave the district and get hired...even in the same district....he would be put back on his steps, yet the district refuses to do it. So frustrating!!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness! I love watermelon airheads too. I swear I can never find them though. They're so good!!
    And I understand your pain with the Ogden School District. I come from a family of teachers who all teach or taught in Ogden City. It's all this crazy stuff going on that made me change my mind about being a teacher. It's why I haven't got a degree. I stopped right before my student teaching.
