Friday, June 3, 2011

Friday Confessional

I CONFESS...I love going on vacation, but I love coming home even more. I love walking in and setting my bags down and it feels like "home". I love knowing that I have everything I might need at my fingertips, knowing how to get places, and knowing that there aren't super crazy taxi drivers. I always clean before we leave so that we can come home to a clean house and I LOVE it. I know that I can come sit on the couch and relax if I wanted. (Even though I get right to putting our suitcase stuff away instead) My girls are well behaved while we are away from home, but they are even better behaved here at home. We all sleep better at home and more sleep means happier family.

I CONFESS...I don't really like flying on airplanes. I hadn't flown since I was 8, and was anxious about the flight. We got on and I thought I was fine until the plane started moving. I immediately got nauseous. I get motion sick just swimming in a pool so this was NOT good. It was a very bumpy ride to the runway, a really crappy take off, a really turbulent ride, and an even worse landing. When we landed it tipped the plane clear to the right and everyone gasped. It was definitely not my idea of fun. I had 10x the anxiety for the flight home, but it actually went much better. I didn't like the take off, but everything else went much better. On the way home the seat belt light actually went off for a little bit so it was much better flying conditions. Despite the better flight, there was a little boy behind me who kept crying "OWIE...OWIE" I felt terrible for him and his very pregnant mom. I then felt worse when he threw up everywhere. I have a sever vomit phobia, but I still did ok and would call it a successful flight home.

I CONFESS...I absolutely love my girls and the way they can make me laugh. They take joy in the littlest things and are so grateful for everything. We went swimming at the pool at our hotel and on the way in Shelby said, "Thank you so much mommy, that was my best adventure in the whole wide world." I get thanked for things like putting a new shirt on them, helping them get dressed, getting them a cup of milk, and feeding them dinner. I seriously think I have the best kids in town! (Sorry to my neighbors who read my blog.)

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