Thursday, March 17, 2011

I'm not perfect...

I often find myself comparing myself to other wives, mothers, and students. I don't know why I do it because it always leaves me feeling bad about myself. I never used to compare myself to others, but since I got married I do it almost daily. In high school I didn't care what people thought of me and was secure in who I was. Frankly, if people didn't like it then they didn't have to be my friend. Now it's totally different. I see what homemade things others do, what crafts others do, all the cool places people go, all the fun things the moms do with their kids, and how amazing in general people are. My biggest problem is facebook. On facebook you are able to paint whatever kind of picture of yourself you want to. (And on Blogs for that matter, I just am on facebook WAY too often) You don't post about your imperfections or flaws, rather all the things you did well. Through the facebook goggles it seems as thought I'm the only one who isn't perfect. I need to do better to be happy with who I am and love myself. That is going to be a new goal of mine. I am very blessed and have an amazing husband who does whatever he can to make me happy. He never complains about watching the girls so I can spend some time away and always is willing to help when asked. I have two amazing and beautiful girls who just light up my world. They make me laugh daily and I love them for it!
Now its time for me to be honest with you and tell you some of my imperfections and flaws:
I yell at my kids
I don't get out of bed before 9am most days
I don't do the girls hair unless we are going somewhere
Sometimes I get busy and forget lunch until 2pm
I wear PJ's all day everyday and only put pants on when I leave the house
I gossip more than I would like
I feed my kids TONS of processed foods and I don't plan on changing it
I worry about everyone-even people I don't know at all
I don't go to church weekly (Sometimes not even monthly)
I get snappy with my husband for no reason
I swear
I don't shower daily because blow drying my hair seems like to much work
I am a terribly impatient driver
We eat out often simply because I'm too lazy to cook
I can't figure out this whole blog thing and make it look as fancy as you, but I do it for me as a journal not to impress you.
These are just a few of my imperfections, I hope they made you feel more NORMAL. I wish everyone would be honest and then maybe we wouldn't all feel like we had something to prove to one another.


  1. Leanne, I love this post. You are a stronger woman than most, including me, for being able to admit your weaknesses to yourself and others. I do the same thing that you do, comparing myself to others. For what it is worth I think you are an amazing mom and person. You are always the first to be genuinely concerned and offer help to others. Your girls are always well behaved and very happy. There are many fun things that you and David are doing with them.
    I think you are an amazing woman and you have inspired me to publicly admit some of my weaknesses too.

  2. The more I get to know you, the more I like you! You're fiesty! I like that! Yes, we ALL have our weaknesses, and when we realize we all do, we're not so hard on ourselves. For a long time I was sure I was the only one who's house never had every room clean all the time. One of my favorite things is to go into someone's house and see it messy. For some odd reason it makes me feel so much better. I'm trying to learn that it's okay not to have it all together, in fact it's a good thing. Who wants to be a stuffy perfect person anyways? :)

  3. Love your post!! Thanks a million... =) And yes we all have imperfections, I have a ton!!!

  4. I need to do a post like this. Even with all of my crafting and blogginess, I totally neglect the house, and other bad things. My goal is to do this next week and keep it real. Every person on this earth has talents and every person has faults. Focus on your talents, you have many. You are a giving person, and always willing to help out. At the end of the day, just remember that your kids think the world of you, and David loves you forever.

  5. I appreciated your post. I often compare myself to others too. It is hard to accept myself for who I am sometimes. I guess learning to be content with who I am or what I have is as hard as learning to be patient!!
