Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Our Floor Nightmare.....I Mean Project

Ok, my list of things to do to our order were: Wood Paneling-OUT, NEW carpet, Our Bathroom, and then the kitchen floor. Unfortunately the tile in the kitchen started to peel up and I kept tripping on it, so with our tax return we decided we better get new tile in the kitchen. We wanted to tile the entire kitchen and get rid of the carpet because neither one of us think carpet belongs in the kitchen.

Here is the tile and carpet before we started

When we pulled up the tile I was mortified! We saw mold and water damage...NOT what I wanted to see at all.
This is what we saw

David's brother, Jason, came and helped him assess the damage and rip out the old floor. It was caused from a dishwasher leak that had been going on for who knows how long. It pretty much covered our entire kitchen.

The sick part is we never had those magnets in the left corner...yay for renting.

This is when I started to really panic.

The next day both Jason and my other brother in law, Aaron, came to help. The damage was right down to the sub flooring through two layers of tile and a sheet of plywood, but NOT in the sub flooring. Aaron helped David replace the plywood.

Meanwhile this was our set up in the living room

For those of you who know me, know how difficult it was for me to be compact in our living room. The girls thought it was great! Next, Aaron and David laid some of the hardiebacker (Cement sheets that make the floor level for tile) I was so proud of David because he laid almost all of the hardiebacker himself....and even more proud of me because I put the screws in 75% of the hardiebacker. (I don't do handyman work)

Aaron then cam up to show David how to tile. Aaron had done it before and had access to all the tools which was AWESOME! He and David laid 3/4 of the tile and then David laid the rest himself. I am VERY proud to say that I grouted almost the ENTIRE floor all by myself. (Again, this is very out of my element)

After some very loooong night, help from two awesome brother in laws, and an AMAZING husband this is the finished product.
I forgot to mention I laid almost the entire kick board myself too, and also the baseboards in the dining area. It felt so good to know that WE did the floor, not just the boys and David.

Of course when I was trying to take pictures of the floor today, Shelby HAD to get in them. :)

Kadence kept saying, "We're going to have a new floor?" She was so weirded out by the fact it was going to be "different." Then as we started getting our new appliances she would ask, "Is EVERYTHING going to be different?!" It was pretty funny. Thanks Aaron and Jason for all your help and knowledge! And a very HUGE thank you to my wonderful husband!! It is so nice to know that my husband can be handy enough that he can do most projects himself. (Or with help from someone who has done it before.)

1 comment:

  1. It looks great. It is changes like that that make keeping up a house worth it:) We really need to get rid of our ancient linoleum
