Friday, March 25, 2011

Friday Confessionals

Ok, a friend of mine has joined her friends in doing a Friday Confessional and now I am going to join her.

I CONFESS...I don't ever add vegetables to dinner unless it's already in the recipe. I don't have a side of green beans, or corn...just about EVER! Although David and I are not veggie lovers, somehow our girls actually love them.

I CONFESS...I am really obsessive compulsive when it comes to toys. I never had a problem until I had kids. At my worst I would count toys and if one was missing we all had to look until we found it. I even made David count toys. He had to know how many characters came with each Little People set, trains we had, etc. I have gotten over my counting for the most part, but it doesn't mean I don't have the urge to do it. I simply resist for fear of making my children compulsive. I had to wean myself off of counting toys by counting only after the girls went to bed, to not counting at all now. (Ok, I count about once a month)

I CONFESS...I absolutely HATE HATE HATE reading! I seriously can't stand it. It's not that I can't read, I just don't enjoy it. I am actually a very good reader. David can't stand this quality about me. The thing that bugs him the most is that I will read about 200 pages in 2 days and then just stop reading, never to pick the book up again. I just get bored. I did this with the Green Mile and he will NOT let me live it down. He can't understand how I can get to a really climatic point in a book and not go back to find out what happens. He said I couldn't watch the movie until I finished the book. After months, he finally realized I wasn't going to finish so he let me watch the movie. The only things I find some enjoyment in reading are: true stories, church books, and self help books. Although I hate reading, I read every night to my girls and have made it my goal to instill a love of reading in them. So far it has worked great! Both of my girls LOVE books and will sit still while I read to them. (Those who know how energetic my girls are know how unusual this is)

I CONFESS...I hate wearing socks and shoes. I can't stand how confined my feet feel in shoes. Plus, it just makes my feet hot. I am a flip flop lover! I wear flip flops in any weather, all year round. The only time I wear shoes is if I am exercising at a gym (Because it's required), and when I'm pregnant and its snowy. I have lots of shoes and lots of flip flops, but I go for flip flops every time. I don't know why I even bother buying shoes, but I do occasionally wear them and I can't pass up buying a cute pair of shoes. I also can only buy shoes that are comfortable. I don't understand shoving your foot into a cute pair of shoes that has you dying because your feet hurt. It just doesn't make any sense to me.

These are a few of my confessions....I have TONS of them so I will post every Friday.

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