Saturday, April 2, 2011

Friday Confessional....On Saturday

Sorry, I was too busy enjoying the great weather yesterday that I didn't have time for a Friday Confessional. Here it is a day late.

I CONFESS....I eat spaghetti about 5 times a week. I don't even like it that much, but we end up eating it for lunch about 3 times and dinner twice EVERY week. Shell pasta (Ariel Seashells) are my main food group. It's pretty much the only thing Shelby will eat. I eat it with sauce sometimes, but usually its just butter. If I get REAL crazy I might put on some Parmesan cheese. It kind of grosses me out to realize how often I eat it. Good thing I'm not on the Atkins Diet!!

I CONFESS...I'm addicted to Ellen. I watch EVERY show. I think she is a genuinely good person who does so much for those in need. She raises so much money and awareness for problems and I love it. Not to mention she is pretty dang funny too. I find myself referring to her in everyday conversations with people so I am now officially an addict.

I CONFESS...I hate when people say I'm skinny. I know that sounds weird and there may be some of you who want to punch me in the face right now, but I absolutely hate it. It has given me such issues. All I have ever been referred is skinny, little, lightweight, tiny, etc. I feel I don't have an identity if I don't stay tiny. I knew that having children would make me feel bad about myself because in my head I NEED to be that "skinny girl" that everyone knows me as. I made David promise me a tummy tuck because I knew that I wouldn't like what I saw in the mirror after having kids. I am so excited for the day that we have enough money to do that. All I have ever known myself to be is seems to be the only label that has ever stuck. I haven't ever been known as the "good wife", "good friend", "good mom", "crafty", "sporty", "fashionable"'s just been SKINNY and LITTLE. So now that I am not AS skinny I don't feel like I know who I am. Don't worry, I am not going to develop an eating disorder, or have unhealthy eating habits....other than the fact that I eat like crap. I am actually very happy with the number on the scale, but I just don't feel like the same person because now I am "Normal." I have always been underweight and now I am finally NORMAL. I wish people would stop referring to me as skinny or tiny because well....I now am just an average, normal, 5'3" momma!

I CONFESS....I constantly have the TV on in my house. It's horrible, I know. My girls aren't even watching it most of the time. They play and play and ignore the TV, but when they are going between activities the will sit for about 10 minutes and watch...and then right back to playing. I don't even think I will change it any time soon. I have turned the TV off to see if they get upset and they haven't ever gotten upset by it. I think that when they do we will definitely have to limit the amount of TV they watch because then it's obviously too much. We do puzzles, play barbies, read stories, pretend to be princesses, play house, build forts, but all the while the TV is on in the background. I do love the Spring because we spend TONS of time outside WITHOUT any TV. I love to watch them run around outside and enjoy all of the little things we seem to forget as adults. For example, when was the last time you noticed an individual ant in the middle of the sidewalk, the way the trees move in the wind, the fact that the sky is "up high" and is blue, the way the clouds look, the fact you can see the moon in the daytime, the way the sunset makes the mountains a different color, leaves, rocks, sticks, bugs, flower buds, etc. I LOVE my kids and the childlike perspective they have taught me to have. Nature is beautiful and I am so excited to get out and enjoy!! As for the next few rainy days, we will be spending them inside.....with our TV on.

I CONFESS...I am a paranoid mommy and am nervous to send Kadence on her very first mom free field trip. I know she'll be totally fine, but I can't seem to shake all the "what ifs" from my mind. Her preschool is going to the Zoo this Wednesday and her favorite part is that they will be riding in a bus. She has been waiting for years to ride in a yellow bus. I am just worried although I know that she'll come back in one piece and she'll have had an amazing time. So Wednesday I will be freaking out on the inside while she has the time of her life at the zoo. At least this will make it easier for me to send Shelby next year.

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