Thursday, April 21, 2011

Friday Confessional

I CONFESS...I love almost any kind of gummy or fruity candy. I like chocolate, but not often. I LOVE Skittles, Starburst, Twizzlers, Haribo Frogs, Gummy Worms, Gummy Bears, etc. I will eat candy any day, any time of day, for any meal. I love candy.

I CONFESS...I don't really like most baked goods. I will eat a cookie or slice of cake here and there, but I don't eat them often. I struggle because I like the smell of cooking cakes, cookies and brownies but I don't like eating them. I hate making such a mess just to get to smell it baking in the oven. I have however found a good way to justify it. Shelby LOVES being my "little chef" and helping me bake and I can share with my neighbors.

I CONFESS...I am slowly realizing that when David goes to San Diego this summer that the girls and I will most likely be left home. We need to save money so that I can continue college and to do so, we can't afford the cost of San Diego. I am TERRIFIED! David and I haven't ever spent a night apart other than when a child has been in the hospital. The girls ask for daddy all day long and I don't know how they will take it when he doesn't come home....for FOUR days. This just makes me so much more grateful of those who have spouses or family members in the military. I am such a big baby when it comes to David leaving us. What can I say, I love the guy!

I CONFESS...I hate that I have 9am church. How are we supposed to do Easter baskets? I have to wake the girls up in order to get them ready so I am NOT waking them up even earlier in order to go through their Easter baskets. It makes me not want to go to church....but how terrible would that be?! I know we need to go hear the messages on Easter Sunday and really its the least we can do. I need to remember the importance of the holiday rather than what the Easter Bunny has left. I feel terrible for even confessing wanting to miss church on Easter.

I CONFESS...I'm not really into Harry Potter, but I go to the midnight showings anyways. I like the excitement of seeing a movie at the opening show and I like spending time with David doing something fun that he likes. I have even let Kadence stay up for a late night book release party when we were living in Logan. I think we were out past midnight and we drew a little lightning bolt on her little forehead. It was a fun night and a fun little memory.


  1. Just do Easter baskets on Saturday. That's what we do.

  2. We'll probably do our baskets after church or after naps. The Easter bunny doesn't need to to come overnight, he can come at any time! I think Carter would have more fun with his basket if we don't have to give it to him and than take it away. The Easter Bunny could leave a note for your girls saying that he was running behind but will visit during church. The anticipation will build during church and be that much more fun later in the day. You or David could sneak home between classes to set things up.
