Sunday, April 10, 2011

My Favorite Part Of The Day

I'm not a perfect mom, in fact I am FAR from it. I am also not the best example of an LDS mom to my girls. I'm not meaning, making five loaves of bread, doing 15 loads of laundry, and making first class meals. I mean that I don't always attend church regularly and I don't hold Family Home Evenings regularly. David and I did decide that something we needed to do everyday was family scripture and family prayer. We only read about a verse a night, but as our girls get older we will be able to increase it. The important part is that we make a habit of it while our kids are young. Every night after we make our last potty run, get our PJ's on, and brush teeth we start my favorite part of the whole day. David reads us a scripture, we kneel down to pray, and then I read the girls a story. On Sundays, I help the girls read the scriptures, and David reads the story. It is the one part of the day that is ABSOLUTELY perfect. Then we give hugs and kisses and take the girls to bed. We each take one and often rotate who takes who. (Lately they have both been wanting daddy to take them to bed.) When they are all snuggled in bed we sing them a song and kiss them goodnight. Kadence ALWAYS picks "I Am A Child Of God" and Shelby picks really random songs. Tonight, for instance, she asked me to sing a song about her "wild thing." Daddy read "Where The Wild Things Are" so she HAD to sleep with her wild thing stuffed animal. I then had to make up a song about her wild thing. No matter the song, and no matter what animal they choose to sleep with it is absolutely perfect. They both get this perfect, happy smile on their face as you leave and close the door. I know that I need to work on being a better example to them, but at least we have three VERY important things in our nighttime routine....Scripture, Prayer, and Story. I sure do love them and hope they let us tuck them in and sing to them FOREVER!

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