Tuesday, April 5, 2011

DoTerra Essential Oils

Last night I went to a class that taught about the benefits and science of Essential Oils. I went not to become a believer, but to support a friend. I thought there was NO WAY in the world this could be serious. I figured it was like "Magic Elixirs" like on Sweeney Todd. I went in with a bad attitude and actually came out a believer. After listening to the way it touched their lives I couldn't help but believe. These were friends of mine and friends of my friend. I figure one of them might lie to me, but to have so many positive stories? I was convinced. I actually have been praying for quite some time that I can find relief for my anxiety. I have severe anxiety and the only thing that seems to help is xanax. Problem is, I don't function well and can't take care of my kids when on it so I just try to cope the best I can. I have had countless blessings during severe anxiety attacks and they usually say that I will know what to do, or I will know how to find relief. I can't help but think this might actually be an answer to my prayers. One lady had extreme anxiety and actually hasn't even been on medication for years now thanks to the Essential Oils. I wasn't going to be able to make this class because David had a college class to attend. Late in the afternoon he was kind of puzzled when he realized that his class would be online this week. Divine intervention....I think so, I HOPE so. I struggled at first with the cost of the oils. The kit of 10 oils is $170 after tax. Then I realized that I have always said I would do ANYTHING and pay anything to find relief. Our copays are $40 each so it adds up quickly. I figured that it is worth a try. The oils can help almost everything: Earaches, Asthma, Depression, Anxiety, Fevers, Infections, Bacterial Infections, Warts, Insomnia, Colds/Flu, etc. You name it, there's probably an oil that can help. I am really hoping that this is an answer to my prayers. I am hoping that this will finally give me the relief I have been seeking. I know that if my anxiety is cut down that I will be a much better mother and wife. We will also be using the oils on Kadence for her asthma and David for his extreme fatigue. I am hoping we get great results. I got a sample of the "breathe" oil last night and tried it on my girls. They both cough all night long. It is a lingering cough from a cold a while back, but it seriously keeps me up all night. We put it on them before bed and an hour later, I realized they hadn't been coughing. The coughing is the worst for them when they aren't fully asleep, but aren't fully awake so this is usually the worst time for them. I was made an instant 'hopeful' and I am hoping to become a believer soon. I am hoping that we will be able to start substituting our over the counter drugs with these all natural oils. It just seems safer to me than the chemical drugs everyone rushes to for the slightest ache or pain. Don't get me wrong, I will still take my girls to the Dr and will continue to use inahlers...but this will be an addition to our wellness plan.

1 comment:

  1. Let me know how they work and turn out. Has David had his Vitamin D checked lately? I had extreme energy drain and fatigue and had to get some vitamin D. It has improved drastically.
