Saturday, July 9, 2011

Friday Confessional

Ok, I know it's Saturday but I figured it's better late than never. I already feel bad enough about missing the past two weeks. David was in the hospital and then I was struggling with getting everything ready for Kadence's Birthday party. I am really going to try my hardest to continue doing a weekly confessional.

I CONFESS...You should NEVER EVER let your car insurance....or any insurance for that matter...lapse because who knows, maybe that is the exact moment you will get in a car accident. We now have our car insurance on auto pay to keep this from EVER happening again in the future.

I CONFESS...I am really good at helping people, but really crappy at letting people help me. I have absolutely amazing friends and the best family a girl could ask for but for some reason I don't like anyone helping me. I don't even like letting David help me. Having been in a car accident and being couch ridden for 2 weeks has given me no choice. I have learned to humble myself, admit I need help, AND let people help me. I have let people bring me dinner, put together Kadence's birthday party, buy groceries for me, and lots of other things in between. Probably the most humbling thing is needing David's help in order to get dressed, put my brace on, or even just get a drink. I am so truly blessed to have such amazing people in my life who are willing to help me at the drop of a dime and I am slowly trying to learn that it's ok to let those people help me.

I CONFESS...I have the best husband in the ENTIRE world. Yes ladies, you may think you snagged the perfect man, but I snagged the perfect one for me. Never once has he complained or made me feel like he would rather not help me. He is so patient with me and tries his hardest to get things just the way I want them. He has kept up on laundry better than I do, and has made sure our meals are all taken care of. He even puts the girls breakfast on the table before leaving for work in the morning so they can just grab it. He not only bathes our girls, but then blow dries and straightens their hair. He adjusts, and readjusts my pillows and blankets every few minutes until I'm finally somewhat comfortable. Most of all he does it all willingly and I have no idea how I got so lucky. Love you David, and I am so glad you finally got off your butt to marry me!

I CONFESS....July has never been a great month for me, and I would love to break that cycle. Luckily enough, August tends to be a really good month for me so I'm counting down the days. :) David and I miscarried our first baby in July 2005, we had our first live birth that resulted in two life flights and an ambulance ride in July 2006, and my car accident July 2011. It seems little things always seem to go wrong during the month of July even though there isn't anything real noteworthy between 2006 and 2011. In August 2005 we were married, we were able to take our first baby home from the hospital which was a shock to us all, and we always seem to have a lot of family adventures in August. I really enjoy August and try to remind myself that July will be over soon. :)

I CONFESS...I am picky about the way my blanket is on me. I can not stand the blanket hanging off the edge of the couch or bed AT ALL. It seems to pull at me and I can't stand it. The other thing is that the blanket can't be too heavy. I prefer light blankets that can keep me just as warm as a heavy blanket otherwise I feel trapped. Lastly I absolutely can't stand having a tag by my face. The tag of the blanket has to be at my feet because I snuggle the blanket by my face and the tag just irritates me. Ya, David had to deal with fixing my blanket many times over these past two weeks.

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