Monday, July 18, 2011

Personal Space

Last night we took the girls to the Weber State fireworks. It's one of our traditions, and we haven't gone to any firework shows yet this year because of my knee. It was exhausting, but completely worth it to hear the girls excitement. While there I realized I have huge issues when people don't respect your personal space. We went Saturday to set out sheets. We needed to be close to the road so David could drop me off and pick me up. We put out 4 sheets so our neighbor could join us. Sadly our neighbors grandma passed away and she wasn't up for fireworks. Now the irritation. I can't stand when parents watch their kids run all over your (claimed) space. Don't get me wrong, I loved the toddler who kept coming up to us and growling. It's the 9 year olds that know better, and if they don't their parents should. I have no idea why it bugs me so much....but it does. Then during the fireworks a grown man laid mostly on our sheet. It was so irritating because his kids were trying so hard to stay on their own blanket, yet dad couldn't help but lay on our sheet. Not only that, but when the fireworks were over and we were trying to clean up he stayed there. David removed 2 corners from the grass and then had to ask if he could get the rest of the sheet. SO annoying! Then the most irritating part...I was sitting in a chair while David and Jeff cleaned up and the group of Young men kept backing in closer and closer. They were so close to the back of my chair I think I would have felt it if they farted! I kept getting an elbow swung right next to my head and was anticipating the moment I got hit and would probably freak out. Luckily David could tell how irritated I was and asked them nicely if they could scoot a little since it would be difficult for me to move. They were so nice and did move. All in all I was frustrated with what I felt were invasions of my personal space. I feel so silly about it too, kind of like a 5 year old who's upset someone's touching their toy. Oh well, that's me and this is an honest, slightly embarrassing post.

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