Saturday, July 16, 2011

Kadence's Birthday Party

So after my car accident I was quickly forced to learn to let others help me and to give up control. I was in my car accident on Monday and Kadence's birthday party was on the following Friday. Four days isn't quite long enough to heal I learned. I had all sorts of plans for Kadence's Pinkalicious party. Some were put into action, others were scrapped, and some were just plain ol' forgotten. In the end, Kadence was a very happy Birthday girl and that's what matters!

I had purchased pink gift bags and put a few pink items in them, and then put the rest of the party favors out for kids to pick and choose. I didn't know that the boys would want all of the pink things and this way they were able to decide for themselves.

I made bags full of "green food" and put a label on them that I found on another blog. (Sorry my picture is the wrong direction, I am struggling with blogger today) They had green M&M's, green Jelly Belly's, green licorice, green Airhead, Haribo frogs, green Laffy Taffy, and a carmel apple sucker. It said, "True Blue Cure For Pinkititis is Green Food." on the label and on the other side it thanked friends for coming.

I also found a printable label that I could put on bottles of water. I then bought "pink pop" to put labels on too.

Davids cousin, Amanda, made the cupcakes for her party. I knew she would do a great job, and although David was willing to do the cupcakes I knew it would look like dad made them. :) Amanda made them exactly as I wanted! (I owe her BIG time!)

The big attraction for the party was an inflatable slide. All the kids had a blast on it, and besides a few bumps, nobody got hurt. I was able to get a great deal online and only ended up paying $35 for it....SCORE!

We figured that not ALL of our friends would know the Pinkalicious story so we had Aunt Barb read it to the kids. I didn't want to because I'm terrified of adults, but Barb is used to it since she teaches Kindergarten. (Thanks Barb!)

Kadence ended up opening a few presents while everyone was busy sliding. She would walk up to the gift table, grab a present, walk away, and sneakily open it. Watch the progression of the friends. At first they sit nice and watch....

Then about half stand, half sit....

Then everyone EXCEPT Emilee has moved right up close and a few more are standing. I LOVE this picture, Emi is such a cutie! By the end everyone, except Emilee, is standing VERY close to Kadence. I love it!!

Time for cake!

Make a wish!

Things left out of the party included a "pink bracelet" making table for the kids to make their own bracelets, pink M&M's to go with the Pink Jelly Bellys, framed pages of the Pinkalicious book as decorations, pink tissue paper pom poms, and I'm sure there are more things I just haven't found them yet.

Despite not having it go the way I planned, I am so very thankful for the help I was given and the many offers to help. Jeff spent his entire day getting balloons, picking up and dropping off the slide, and trying to get the tables the way I wanted. I'm one picky gal and he didn't complain once, thanks Jeff! Curtis also came and helped set up...thanks!

Just like last year there was a bit of family drama, but Kadence again didn't notice and told me "it was the best party in the whole world." That's all that matters to me in the end. Happy Birthday my sweet princess I'm so happy you are such a smart, energetic, caring, spunky, crazy girl!

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