Saturday, September 10, 2011

Friday Confessional

Oops, after weeks of remembering I forgot to post this yesterday. Better late than never I guess.

I CONFESS.....I am not a spontaneous person. It causes me anxiety if things aren't planned....and over planned. I have been making a big effort to try and realize things are sometimes more fun if they aren't planned. You get lost, stores might not even be open like you thought, and you are forced to make instant decisions sometimes. All of those things add to the excitement. When you plan things out you tend to get more frustrated when things don't go just right. I hope I can keep making an effort because the whole family has more fun when mom isn't stressing over things not going perfectly.

I CONFESS.....I am terrified of puke! It's an actual full blown phobia. I know that few, if any, are ok with vomit but mine is extreme. I can't function if someone in our house is sick....or someone I was around within a week get sick. It's ridiculous! I even have blacked out and almost passed out when our kids have gotten sick. I simply don't do well with it, but I am getting a tiny bit better. Kadence was sick last night and I didn't cover our entire house with Lysol. Usually I go through an entire big can in two days. I know I'm crazy, but I can't help it!

I CONFESS.....even though j miss the baby/toddler stages, I love the stage we're at now. We can go just about anywhere with our kids and 9/10 times they behave pretty well. When we promise them we'll go somewhere and something happens to where we can't, they understand and don't get too upset. They are fun to play with in a different way than a baby. Their imaginations are amazing and they come up with some hilarious scenarios. They explore in a different way and I love it. I'm not saying I wouldn't take another baby if one was offered to me, but I am realizing I'm happy with where we are currently. Our family has changed, but in a good way.

1 comment:

  1. 100% agree about the spontaneous thing! And its funny, I wrote the same truth last week! Great, non-spontaneous minds think alike!
