Friday, September 23, 2011

Friday Confessional

I CONFESS......I love that Shelby and Kadence are so different from each other. Shelby likes catching grasshoppers while Kadence only likes to look. Kadence loves princesses and fairies while Shelby likes villains. Shelby will tell me all about what she did at school and Kadence always says, 'I don't remember.' They have a lot of similarities, but I'm so glad they are two completely different kids who approach things in a different way.

I CONFESS......I only shave my legs about once a week at best. I just don't have enough time to. I mostly just try to make it through my entire shower without a kid coming in to interrupt. It grosses me out considering I used to shave my legs daily and sometimes even twice a day. Poor David!

I CONFESS.....I don't think I ever miss an episode of Ellen. Sometimes I'm 10 episodes behind, but eventually I get through them all. I sure love that show!

I CONFESS.....I get stressed everytime we go anywhere so I usually start our adventures in a pretty crabby mood. Not only to I get to get myself ready, but the girls as well. David gets himself and his bag (if necessary) packed and then he's done. I'm left scrambling to get everything else ready. Ah well, he can't be great at everything right?

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