Friday, September 2, 2011

Friday Confessional

I CONFESS...I'm really really proud of my incredibly smart husband. He does so well in school. He recently lost his 4.0, but after 5 semesters he still has a 3.9 GPA. I just think it's amazing that he does so well considering he has a job and family as well. I'm hoping the girls got his brains because I'm not great at school. Proud of ya David, love you!

I CONFESS....I haven't really ever been crafty but I have been attempting it lately. Although I am not great, I am improving. Tasks others found easy used to be super hard for me but now I manage to get it done. Hopefully I will continue to get better because it really boosts my self esteem when I finish a project. It doesn't always look perfect....and to be honest sometimes it doesn't even look good....but it's mine and something I did myself.

I CONFESS....I have realized after a few posts whining that I don't have a super, great, amazing friend.....that I actually do. Not just one but a few. There are a few people that I can be 100% myself around and I know they won't go running for the hills. I'm grateful for their friendship and for them letting me into their lives and taking such great care of me and my family.

I CONFESS.....I love Halloween. It might be my favorite holiday. If not my favorite a close second to Christmas. I'm so happy that Shelby loves it as much as David and I do. It's not even all about the candy for her, she loves the spiders, witches, pumpkins, and of course 'Nightmare Before Christmas.' she went shopping for Halloween crafts with me and has helped me paint a few and she keeps insisting we finish them and display them. I tell her not for a while because it isn't Halloween time yet, but it's hard for me not to take her excitement and run with it. I can't wait until we can go to pumpkin walks, carve pumpkins, go to corn mazes, and dress our girls up in their costumes and take them trick-or-treating. I'm excited already!

1 comment:

  1. This household loves Halloween too. I love the decorations, the food, the costumes. Most of all I love that it is just a fun holiday without the stress of Thanksgiving or Christmas. I've given myself a goal to wait at least 2 weeks before getting out my Halloween decor. We'll see if I actually make it that far! :-)
