Thursday, September 8, 2011

Things To Remember

So my kids say and do things that I think I will never forget, but I'm learning I will forget most of it. I occasionally write a bit of it down so here it goes!

As part of Kadences 'homework time' I have her spell words on the fridge with our magnet letters. Writing isnt her strong point so this makes it easier for her to keep going in an area she is great at. She's to the point she can spell most 2 and 3 letter words that have phonetic sounds. (run, ox, ten, fan, etc) While we were doing this the other day I asked her to try 'sand.' (We've started into 4 letters but it's a little tough) She got the S and the A put together and said the sounds to figure out what came next. "ssssssaaaaa.....MOM, we have a Sebastian at my school and he's NOT a crab!" I laughed so hard! We never finished spelling sand but at least I got a good laugh!

Today as I was getting Shelby ready for Preschool, she dropped to the floor, face down, hands behind her back and said 'Mom the Smurfs tied me up so I can't get ready for preschool!' it took some talking into but I finally talked the Smurfs into letting her go to school.

Tonight we talked with the girls about Temples and why they are so important. We will be visiting the Logan Temple tomorrow as a family to celebrate the anniversary of our sealing. It's a little difficult to explain to a 3 year old but I think they really started to understand. As we knelt for family prayer Kadence volunteered. She included 'Thank you for everyone who got sealed and for Shelby, me, mommy and daddy being sealed.' It was done without any prompting, and it made me so happy. I'm glad she's so grateful at such a young age.

We went on a walk around the neighborhood the other day and as we started up our hill Shelby asked, 'Are we going to the mountains?! I
want to go to the top of the mountains so I can catch scary spiders....and KILL them!' (That's my Shelby!)

Today when Barb dropped Kadence off after school she was very excited to show me a bug in a little plastic case. According to Kadence....It started out as a live bug that crawled on her and a girl in her class helped catch it. Then a boy that's not in her class gave her the plastic container to keep it in. As the day went on, the bug died. That didnt bother Kadence one bit! She just talked about her dead pet and showed many of the teachers at school. I feel bad that Barb had to admit she was related to the girl who was thrilled she had a dead pet! She showed everyone, took it out and asked people to touch it, and lost it a few times at home before we put a ban on taking it out of the case.

Not only did Kadence come home with a dead pet, but a stick in her pants! I asked David to take her brace off and as he pulled her pants down a stick came out! Now I'm not talking a wood chip from the playground, but a 5 or 6 inch stick!

I love my girls so much and I love the way they can make me laugh. I just can't get enough of my family. They mean so much to me and I am happy to have them forever!

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