Monday, February 3, 2014

Things That Must Go...

Accusing people of joining the bandwagon in sports must go!  I understand that if you have been cheering on the underdog for years and they finally start to become a good team, it can be annoying for those who only cheer when they are good.  I do, I get that. Seriously though does it matter?  Shouldn't you be excited that "your team" has more people cheering them on?  The thing that is even worse is in situations like playoffs and championship games.  The Superbowl for instance had ONLY two teams go.  That's right, it has two teams that make it every year.  That is why it is such a big game.  It decides who is the BEST football team.  If "my" team didn't make it should I just not continue watching any longer?  I guess so or else I will be accused of bandwagoning.  I'm not even sure how to spell that word because I don't think it's an actual word.  When it comes down to the big game there are only two teams to choose from.  If you are lucky your team is one of the two but for the vast majority of us we just have to choose one.  I do not think this means we have joined the bandwagon.  Shouldn't you feel flattered that if our team isn't an option we are choosing your team?  I could go on this subject for a while because it really really must go!

People advocating for you to REFUSE to help beggars must go!  I completely understand why many people choose not to give money to the person with a cardboard sign on the side of the road.  I get all the points of them making a lot more money than the average person with a college degree.  I understand they are most likely taking advantage of me.  I understand they might use it to abuse drugs.  I understand that they are most likely lying in order to make me feel sorry for them.  I do not need these things pointed out to me.  My question is, why are you trying to convince me to not give to others?  It is my money.  I am not trying to force you to give your own money to others, please don't try to tell me who I should or shouldn't give to.  I give in many ways.  Sometimes directly or indirectly.  I have taught my girls how to give of their time, money and talents as well.  I am someone who, if I have money and can spare to lose it, gives to the beggar on the street.  I never give more than I can afford to lose.  (Ok, that is kind of a lie.)  What the person does with the money is none of my business.  I simply give because they asked me to.  I will be judged on my willingness to help others.  They will be judged on if they are scamming their fellow man.  If you choose not to help those on the side of the road, that is fine.  I am not saying that your reasons aren't valid.  I'm just simply asking you to stop encouraging everyone to make the same choice. 

Caffeine Free Mountain Dew must go!  I don't even understand the concept of caffeine free pop....but Mountain Dew?!  It has to be the worst.  I hate when I am craving a mountain dew and I take my first sip only to realize that I grabbed the caffeine free.  Doesn't that defeat the whole purpose of mountain dew?  I think there at least should be a cooler that only has caffeine free.  Either segregate pop....or make the caffeine free go!

People who aren't happy until they are miserable must go!  We all know at least one person who fits this description.  I seem to have run into quite a few lately.  I'm not saying what they are dealing with or going through isn't hard or tough.  I'm just saying that I am a firm believer that there is always someone worse than you.  This is a quality David and I have really tried to instill in our girls. When Kadence gets down about her surgeries or how long she has to stay in the hospital it isn't too hard to think of someone who has it worse.  I'm glad that she is learning at such a young age that her life could be worse so she should be grateful for what she has.  She even now brings up scenarios that could be worse and I think she really grasps the concept.  Along with this, the phrase "Why",  "What next" and "How much more can we take" must also go.  To me you are just asking for it when you mutter those phrases!  I get that life can be overwhelming and can feel that nothing is going right.  To me if you are feeling like this, you need to take a minute to realize how blessed you are.  David and I have been through some tough trials. Some of which we chose to do alone and other times we've chosen to allow people in.  (Or in some cases it was obvious)  People always tell us how positive we are and I never feel like I deserve that compliment at the time they say it.  I do know that looking on the bright side and taking notice of all we DO have helps during tough times.  I think that if you get stuck feeling bad for yourself you will never be able to appreciate the little miracles along the way.  I am not saying that I haven't ever hated where my life was at a particular moment, but it passes pretty quickly.  Life is too short to waste time being miserable.  If you stop focusing on yourself and go out and help others you will be much happier.  Not to mention you will be improving the lives of others in the process.  It's a win win!

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