Saturday, October 25, 2014

Things I Love

To go along with a "Things that must go" post I'm sure to do in the near future, I figured I should do a "Things I Love" post to balance it out.  

I love dropping my girls off at school

I loved watching as a little boy got out of the car at drop off and as his mom started to drive away he yelled "MOOOOM!" She stopped and rolled down the window and he just said so sweetly "I love you!"

I love watching as a dad walks his son who is probably plenty old enough to walk to school himself.  Yet every day his dad is by his side as he walks to school.  I can only imagine the kind of conversations they are able to have that they wouldn't if they didn't walk together.  

I love how some kids run in so excited every day, how others watch over their younger siblings and how there are children that greet you as you walk in the door telling you "good morning."  

I love the chance I get to tell my girls I love them and give them a hug and kiss every morning before they go to class.

I love "ghosty" pictured below.  David and I bought this inflatable 9 years ago and it's still going strong.  The girls love him like crazy and like to wake him up every day and put him to bed.  (plug him in and unplug him)  They always say "Nobody woke ghosty up today" if they get home from school and he's still deflated.
 I love that my girls truly love the outdoors.  They love if you give them any opportunity to inspect a leaf, a bug, a rock.  They love to dig in the dirt, create things out of anything they can find and pick up sticks. They come alive outside and it's amazing to see how much they both enjoy nature.
 I love that David is weird and strange and when I ask him for a half a cucumber, a knife and salt he carves a little love note into it because it is our anniversary.
 I love that Kadence would just stand next to Doug and hold his arm while he was in the hospital.  She didn't always talk, often they would just sit like this with no exchange of words.  Other times she would tell him that she had a "lot of hospital bracelets just like the one he has" or that "he's really lucky to have a wheelchair so he can do tricks like me". 
 I love this fish.  It sat exactly like this while we ate dinner at La Ferrovia one day after visiting my dad and Davids.  Everytime one of us would look at it all of us would end up laughing.  It was just a goofy, happy fish and it lightened our day and made us happy.
 I love that our girls love to learn

I love Skittles.  It isn't really a love post if I don't mention Skittles.

I love how much my girls love to read.  They really get "into" books and love to tell me all about them.  They often will get a stuffed animal and just read together.  This is something that never gets old.
I love that reading 30 minutes every day isn't a chore for them and that they usually do more voluntarily.  They never ask if their time is almost up or how much longer they have.
 I LOVE LOVE LOVE how sweet my girls are.  Both girls will willingly give us a piece of candy on our pillow and it is usually one of their favorites.  (Below are tootsie rolls which are Shelby's favorite)  They also are so good at writing in our notebooks.  We all have notebooks by our bed that we write little notes in for each other and then leave on the persons pillow.  I gave them to everyone on our healthy family day and it has been amazing!  The girls love getting notes wishing them luck on the first day of school, letting them know we are proud of them or simply that we love them.  Ours usually just say they love us but it's so sweet.

I love that my girls are best friends and love doing things together, playing together, creating together, comforting each other and cheering each other up.  

There are so many things I love, but these are just a few.

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