Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Fun Day

The Saturday before Easter is always the Joy family Easter egg hunt.  I woke up feeling terrible and hadn't slept much the night before due to my cough.  I also still couldn't hear out of my ear.  We figured out a way to get me to the dr without interrupting our plans....JEFFY to the rescue!  Jeff came and watched the girls for us so that we could both be where we needed to be. Turns out I have a cold. I also have an ear infection and most likely a sinus infection so I was sent home on an antibiotic.  No time to pity myself though, we were off to an egg hunt! The girls had a blast and I forgot my camera like I do every year.  Kadence's highlight was getting an egg that looked like a jewel.  Shelby loved sitting on a rock and eating candy.  I asked at one point how much she was going to eat and she said "We'll just have to see."  I had Davids cousin, Amanda, snap a quick picture of Shelby.
After the egg hunt we came home and got ready for a date.  I love date nights!  I love spending time with my girls but I also see the need to spend time away from them.  Had I known when I bought our tickets to Dr Drew and Adam Corolla that it was the night before Easter I wouldn't have bought them.  Luckily Jeffy came to the rescue again and agreed to take the girls home from grandma and grandpas and put them to bed at a decent time.  I didn't want them cranky for the Easter bunny.....but mostly church the next day.  David and I headed to Rodizio Grill with some certificates I bought for cheap.  I LOVE their raspberry limeade... 
 And David loves their meats...
 If you read the previous post you know of our Easter dress dilemma.  Well, after eating we had 45 minutes until the show started.  I decided to look up the nearest Childrens Place which happened to be 11 minutes away.  Our show was at Kingsburry Hall which was 10 minutes away.  We looked at each other and David just knew that I was going to make him drive me to get the dresses.  I knew exactly what I wanted so I thought it just might work.  We got there, rushed in, found the dresses I wanted...in the right sizes!  We hurried through checkout and rushed back to our car.  We had 15 minutes left to get to our destination, park, get in and get seated.  The biggest problem was that I had to pee.  Ha! We paid for parking so that we were closer and ran in.  I knew I only had 2 minutes before show time but I hurried to the bathroom.  After, we realized that they weren't even seating anybody yet.  After looking at the tickets again we realized the show started a half hour later than I had thought.  Oops.  We made it, we got the dresses I wanted and we had time to people watch.  It was a win-win situation.  Let me be the first to tell you that there is a diverse following of "Love Line".  David and I were so excited!  I love Dr Drew.  I have watched him during all of the "rehab" series on tv.  He is  a great guy and deals a lot with rehabilitation of people.  Since that is something that I am thinking I want to do I just really enjoy watching him.  Adam is just simply hilarious so it a great match.
 We were SO close to the stage and had incredible seats!
I don't think I have laughed so hard in a long time.  It was such a funny night.  A few highlights were the Jack in the Box Enema story, "Teachable moments", and the difference of LA and Utah.  David and I hurried home to be the Easter bunny and get to bed to get some sleep.  At this point I was getting tired of pretending I was feeling ok.  The fact is that I had felt like crap for almost a week and I was starting to lose my patience.

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