Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Health Update

Here is a condensed version of my thyroid journey first:
  • Found out I was severely hyperthyroid, had lots of tests and then killed my thyroid with iodine radiation.
  • Went even more hyperthyroid as my thyroid died. (I didn't even have much further I could go)
  • Adjusted and changed my meds and went hypothyroid as expected.
  • Had an appointment in which we thought I was fine and I was hypothyroid. We thought it might have been because I had missed a pill that week so we didn't adjust my meds and kept my appointment at 6 months.
Now, we are caught up! I had my 6 month appointment yesterday and my usual blood work.  Shelby comes with me to all my appointments because I don't know what else I would do with her and she does great! It also gives them something to smile about since they generally deal with older people.  The Dr and her talked and talked.....and talked.  She did most of the talking and I wasn't sure if she was going to stop.  She eventually did at which point he told me we would do my blood work and just schedule for a year from now.  He said that if we needed to adjust any meds we would do it without the appointment by adjusting and just running labs instead of a full office visit.  Thats great with me since I have a $60 copay! Well we got the labs back today and I am now Hyperthyroid (the opposite of the last apt) again.  This really puzzles me since I forgot to take my pill Saturday and Sunday and had the blood drawn on Tuesday morning.  They decided to have me take a full pill 6 days and a half pill on Sunday.  I will then go back in 8 weeks to get my blood checked and we will go from there.   I am getting impatient and a little frustrated because I just don't seem to have the energy I should and I was expecting this to take less time.  Hopefully I will be in the normal range in 8 weeks and from there I will just have to maintain.

The plus side is that I don't feel nearly as terrible as I did months ago.  I was able to keep up with all the activities while my dad was visiting and months ago I struggled to do anything.  I am getting closer, just am not quite there yet. 

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