Tuesday, April 2, 2013


This year Ogden District was SOOOO generous and gave us the Friday before Easter and the Monday after off for Spring Break.  I say this sarcastically because Weber and Davis as well as Logan and Cache District all got an entire Monday through Friday off.  Well we tried to make the most of it! On Friday we went to lunch with Mrs Gambles whom we love dearly.  We then rushed to try to find the girls some new Easter dresses.  I had bought some well in advance and quickly learned that does you no good if you don't try them on until a few days before Easter. OOPS! What I bought didn't fit and we didn't have a ton of time between activities to find new dresses.  We went to Childrens Place because I found skirts I absolutely loved online.  Well, they didn't have the right size and we didn't have time to rush to a new store.  We bought skirts that "would do" if it was all we could find and headed home for an Easter egg hunt.  We have a neighbor who does an annual hunt every year but I decided I shouldn't go be around a bunch of kids since I had a terrible cold.  In fact I was wanting to go to the Dr because I couldn't hear out of one ear but we just didn't have the time.  I decided to ask a friend and her girls over for an egg hunt instead. We just hid a few eggs in the back and then let the girls loose.  I loved watching them as they squealed when finding an egg hidden.  I especially loved watching two year old Addilyn as she learned the art of Easter egg hunting. Here are the girls and their eggs
 Emi and Addi
 We then rushed off to the Ogden River to go fishing with our great friends Josh, Amy and their daughter Hadlee.  It was so fun to watch them.....play everywhere EXCEPT by their fishing poles.  It seems as though all three girls were more interested in climbing and playing with rocks and sticks this trip than fishing.  We'll try again soon and see if that changes.  Right toward the end Shelby started screaming and Kadence came running and said "I accidentally threw sand in her eyes!"  I had David put her in time out until  I could calm Shelby down and get her side of the story.  She had tons of dirt in her eyes, mouth, hair, etc.  I thought for sure Kadence was lying, but nope!  Shelby said she was trying to get a stick out of the ground and it flung dirt in her face.  Kadence was released from the dreaded time out and told her sister sorry and we were on our way.  We had to grab subs on the way home because we forgot to eat dinner and it was 6:30. 

After we ate we invited Jeffy over to dye eggs with us. 

The girls had a very eventful day and seemed to enjoy every minute of it, well except the sand in the face of course.  I love these girls and love how happy they make me!  I was beat by the end of the day because I hadn't been feeling too well, but a mommy does what a mommy has to do to make her kids happy!

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