Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Fathers Day Date

David has been wanting me to hike Indian Trail for quite some time now so that I could see the cabin that my step dad built. I've seen pictures, but I haven't seen it in person. I haven't been able to get out and exercise until about 4 months ago because I had a thyroid problem that was onset by my pregnancy. I figured I would surprise him by telling him I'd hike with him to see it. It wasn't a great idea to start at 11:00 since I overheat really easy, but that is when we started. We saw 9 lizards on the trail and heard about 20 more scamper into the bushes. Here's a picture of us feeling good toward the beginning of the hike.
Me with a view
We hiked for about an hour before I got too hot. I tried to make it but since I'm a tad out of shape, we started late, and I overheat easily we had to turn around. I tried to plan ahead and wear flip flops so that my feet didn't get hot, but as you can see they still got really hot. They actually got more red than this a little later on.

We then headed to the UMFA down in Salt Lake so that we could view the Mexican art for a diversity homework assignment David had to do for school. I know it sounds like a drag, but it was very interesting. There was art from many different countries and one of our favorite parts was seeing a full samurai suit. David loves going to art exhibits so it was an assignment he didn't mind doing. After the art exhibit we headed for dinner, and a movie. David wanted Chinese, which was weird because usually he picks Famous Daves every chance he gets. After dinner, we went and saw the movie Grown-ups. It was SOO funny. I think it was so hilarious because a lot of the humor was about marriage and parenting. Plus, who can argue with a star filled cast? I loved the song at the end when the credits were rolling that Adam Sandler wrote about his own dad. All in all we had a great time together, it's always nice to be able to go out for a day without the kids.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome date. Bummer about the overheating. Crista has the same problem.
