Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Welcome Shelby!

These are some pictures from when Shelby was born.
Mommy and Shelby
Daddy bringing Kadence in to meet her new sister!
Daddy introducing his girls to each other
Daddy feeding Shelby

My little COW! When I held her for the first time in the operating room, I said "Wow you're a cow!" And the nurse looked at me like I was the worst mom ever. Kadence was so tiny by the time I got to hold her that Shelby seemed huge. Then she peed on the floor in the OR so we thought we'd nickname her puddles. Then when David was washing her hair she made a face that looked like Yoda and he called her Yoda....again the nurse didn't find the humor. We didn't care what we called her, she was healthy! After bringing her home I called her Delby Doo or Shelby Delby Doo.

One of my favorite pictures of Daddy and Shelby. He was so excited!

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