Kadence was SO excited for her first dance recital. She kept telling me that she would get up on stage and we would have to yell, "Go Kadence!" She also requested that we make her a sign like we did when her Aunt Sage ran the Ogden half marathon. She told just about anyone who would listen about her bumblebee dance, including cashiers at Wal-mart. Make-up was a whole new experience, since she doesn't really see me put it on she had no idea what I was trying to do to her. We figured it out eventually. I got her ready for her pictures and dress rehearsal and she looked so cute I had to take a few pictures myself.
I can't get blogger to upload the video of the dance, I have tried for a few days in a row. Just imagine the funniest/cutest thing EVER! Kadence got on stage, shook her little butt and loved every minute of it!
David and I bought her a rose which Shelby thought was for her so we bought one for each girl. :) Grandma and Grandpa bought her a bouquet of beautiful flowers that they gave her after. She was so excited and felt so important! We also went as a family to Costa Vida to eat lunch to celebrate how well she was going to do. (We were going to go after she performed but it didn't start until 7 so we thought that would be a little late for dinner. I'm glad since it didn't get over until 9.) She always wants to sit and eat in the restaurant and watch the kids do the flowrider, but we always just get take out. We figured it was a special occasion so we sat at a table to eat. The girls did really well which was surprising because usually Shelby just wants down. She had her Sprite, and her show (Flowrider) so she was perfectly content to just sit nice. There were other kids that drove us absolutely crazy! Ok, it wasn't them necessarily it was their moms who were letting them run around, jump on chairs, pull out all the napkins and fling them on the floor, get out the wet floor sign, break the wet floor sign, play tag around the tables and be so incredibly noisy that it gave me a headache. They just sat there and chatted. One of the older kids even told their mom that the younger one broke the wet floor sign and all she had to say was, "Well, were is she?" Then she went back to talking without even finding out were her 3 ish year old was. I was mortified when they left and left every mess the kids made. I'm glad my girls were so good, and I'm glad I had other kids there to remind me how good my girls were. :) Of course they got excited and noisy from time to time and Kadence may have made a small mess on the table, but we had a really good outing as a family.
So cute! I like the costume better with the black shirt anyway. It makes the bumblebee part stand out more.