Friday, August 5, 2011

Friday Confessional

I CONFESS...That I am having a hard time thinking of good confessions. Sometimes they come easily, and days like today I draw a blank and struggle to find anything to confess.

I CONFESS...Doing the girls hair is when you will find me at my worst. I can't stand it! If they could just hold still for 2 minutes...tops...I could completely do their hair. Of course not! They move and wiggle. We've had tears from all 3 of us over their hair. I don't even know why I put any effort into it at all because ten minutes later it's a mess!

I CONFESS...I don't always feel like a great mom. I make mistakes, lose my temper, forget breakfast...sometimes lunch (never both in the same day), I'm not always the best example, and I don't always spend enough quality time throughout the day with my girls. I am not a perfect mom by any means, but I actually think I'm a normal mom. I struggle to figure out the best way to handle the day to day privilege of being a mom.

I CONFESS...I don't like to eat food with chunks. Like tomatoe chunks, yogurt with fruit, any kind of sauce with chunks, etc. I know it sounds strange, but I just dont like it. I have started getting better and will eat a few of the chunks in fresh salsa and I eat a black bean salsa that's to die for and it's full of chunks.

I CONFESS... I cringe when I write spaghetti on our menu. Having been poor college students, then poor parent college students we have eaten so much pasta! We now can afford to go a week without pasta, but it's one of the only meals Shelby will eat. She's super picky but can devour an entire bowl of plain pasta. We eat it about one lunch a week, and one dinner per week. It's not my favorite that's for sure!

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