Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Back to School!

On May 15th Kadence went back to school!  She went for a half day in the afternoon and was so excited to see her friends.  David and I figure that we will go sit with her each day so that we can make sure that she follows her rules and so that other kids don't bump into her.  I can tell you that the second is the harder part.  Kids run, kick when sitting on the rug, shove, etc.  It is so hard to keep people from hitting her back.  She did great although you could tell she was tired.  She went the next day to a field trip to the Willow Park Zoo with dad and then Monday they went to some local businesses to see how they work.  David pushed her in a stroller for the second field trip because it was A LOT of walking.  We talked about it over the weekend and decided that half a day works best.  She seems to get overwhelmed really easy and gets really tired.  Her body is still healing and we need to make sure we don't make her over do it.  We've noticed as she gets tired she is a little more forgetful about her restrictions.  We don't want to push her too hard to where she does something that could hurt her.  Half day has worked really well and we just sort of take turns taking her to school.  I can't say its my favorite thing, but if it means she can go to school and see her friends then I am all for it!

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