Friday, May 30, 2014

Summer Preparation!

About a week ago we started getting ready for summer.  We made a summer to do list last year and we loved it so we did it again this year.  It was a little trickier because we had to make sure that everything on the list was something Kadence could do while making sure we still made sure Shelby wasn't missing out on any fun.  Here is what we came up with:
I also decided that we needed to come up with a way to have healthy snacks ready and on the go.  We have a snack drawer in our pantry but it is full of sugary, processed foods.  I think that is delicious but I don't want the girls eating from that drawer multiple times a day.  I saw a friend post a picture of adults getting healthy options ready to pack their lunch for work.  I figured it was the perfect example.  I cleared out a veggie drawer and now my girls will choose a "healthy" snack after they finish their reading in the morning and right before bed and then a non healthy snack in the afternoon.  The girls are actually so excited about the healthy snacks.  I think they would choose this drawer for every snack if they could.  The fact of the matter is that a box of fruit snacks on sale for $1 is far cheaper than any healthy snack I could come up with.  This is a way to balance the costs a little.  Here are a few examples of our drawer the past two weeks.  I don't refill it until all that's left is gogurt.  We cubed some cheddar, had bags of grapes, bags of berries, applesauce, carrots, string cheese and of course go gurt!
We also have a drawer in our freezer that is full of otterpops.  I took the time to pull them apart from each other so the girls and their friends can just help themselves.  We have other popsicles but the rule is that if it isn't in the drawer they have to ask first.  We'll see how it goes!

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